Hey there, folks.
I was lucky
enough to attend the
Permaculture Voices Conference a few days ago. While I was there, I got the opportunity to talk to the wonderful Ms. Jocelyn (spelling? sorry.) We chatted about my current
project, Treetops, and some strategies for making it (and my life in general) a little better. That conversation, among many others, and all of the mind-blowing presentations really fired me up. I have read some stuff from permies before and listened to some podcasts, but never signed up for the forums and emails. So here I am.
Permaculture is a private, 2 acre garden in Stamford, CT. We are entering the 3rd year of our 3 year installation plan. The goal is to the then turn Treetops
Permaculture into a non-profit that will teach
PDC's, give tours, offer work shops and donate food.
Glad to join the community, may the fun begin.