I am looking for seeds and having considerable difficulty finding what I need. I live in Zone 8A about 50 miles West of San Antonio. Willing to barter/purchase/free tree seeds.
Here is a list of what I am looking for:
Blanco Crabapple, Southern Crabapple, Mexican Plum, Chickasaw Plum, Wild (Feral) Pear, Black Cherry, American Persimmon, Texas Red Oak, Mexican White Oak (aka Monterrey Oak), Red Mulberry, Sawtooth Oak, Golden Ball Leadtree, Jujube, PawPaw, and whatever else you might have that is adapted to VERY HOT summers, windy, and DRY conditions.
Have a lot of Leucaena leucocephala seeds for sale or trade. Can also collect as much Mesquite seed as your heart may desire.
Searching for seeds from
trees that are growing in Texas and are adapted to our conditions (New Mexico & Arizona would be okay as well).
If you have seeds or know of resources please post.
Travis Krause