but all dichotomies are false, and people get trapped by them
not just this polarization, all polarization and people limiting themselves to the either/or mindset is a hindrance.
is the world run by binary?
i dont think so...not in actuality, but this seems to be how people get stuck, with the memes of duality....only seeing two options and trying to decide between the *lesser of evils*
when theres billions of ways, the and/or, a little of both and then some....
but instead its something vs something else, so black and white...instead of the way it REALLY is, an ever changing spectrum of every side and a bazillion shades of rainbow
i'm on the lookout for the third option, or maybe its the fourth or fifth.... none of the above/all of the above
the one that hasnt been considered yet but quietly sneaks up on you when you least expect it! and then seems like it was always meant to be
even though i lean towards C being the best model to borrow from in your example, i wouldnt want to pin myself even to that.
i'd rather just be, and not have to pigeon hole anything. i just want to be a person, at a place...which is what i am anyway regardless of what i call it, or anyone else perceives. we all are, just human animals being human animals.
all that said, i do think theres reason to call out the falseness of this choice, the whole *lessor of two evils* kind of thinking, and anything that coerces people to think they have to choose a side when all the choices arent being considered or presented. and i do think theres a very good reason to move away from agricultural models of society, from all forms of trying to impose control and domination upon the earth and the non human, and human beings.
so it seems it needs to be addressed, some things brought out of the dark hidden corners and ....because people need to create new and better ways (plural). i just dont presume to say theres a certain way they
should look or be modelled on. i know how i want to live, it is not my concern that it be in accordance with anyones ideas or models previously held.
i think the new cultures that are just starting to find their wings now, may follow along with much of that kind of old school culture, but be something entirely new, distinctly not distinct, not directed but rather unfolding...but in many different forms. more plural and multifaceted that the old tired dualities and false dichotomies.