Some quick numbers (and a few more liberties), 4 inches of water spilling over a 14ft spread is almost as much water as your currently producing from.
I think you see where that is leading..
You certainly have potential of much more than your doing.
I watched the video and understand a bit more of what is happening.
I didn't see the fore mentioned 24" pipe, sluiceway yes, so am I correct in assuming the 24' pipe is just the outlet from the dam entering the sluiceway.
I'll let someone better determine this, yet my belief would be, if the opening to the sluiceway is only 24" diameter, then no matter what the size of the sluiceway, it is still governed by the opening.
Being so, then the math still works.
Head height we need to work on.
This may be different than earlier stated.. Let's see!
Difference in height from
pond surface to top of wheel.
Believe we could add half the height of wheel (14' wheel right?), with a little loss..
Very nice score!