I started a bunch of elderberry plants from hardwood cuttings and from root suckers a few months ago. When I did the hardwood cuttings, I tried to get 3-4 nice buds on each cutting, with the bottom two buds dipped in Earthjuice Rootstock gel and then put into 4-6 inch pots with a light potting soil mix. The bottom two buds
should be surrounded by potting soil, with the top bud or two on each stick above the soil surface. Then I put them in my unheated
greenhouse. They seem to be growing pretty well now, although the root sucker plants are much stronger and more robust-looking than the cuttings. If your cuttings don't have
enough buds or don't grow, maybe you can still dig up some root suckers for new plants this spring. Root suckers are really easy to start and they grow quickly. Good luck!