Irene Kightley wrote:Wood pigeon...Gizzards are difficult to cook properly to make them attractive but confit, they're a delicacy which can be added to almost anything
Yes, exactly. I haven't a clue why I went all colloquialIrene Kightley wrote:When you say a "bag" on the wood pigeons, do you mean a maximum number that a hunter is allowed to shoot ?
Sorry, I forgot to explain my 'bag' terminology! But: you can buy gizzards?!Tim Wells wrote:sometimes gizzards are plastic bagged from a shop
I think 'back in the day' in France, animals were confit in Autumn at the peak of condition (read: fat),K Nelfson wrote:My understanding is that confit was originally a way to keep meat for longer. The fat must cover the meat to make this method work... I've not found much information about how long the meat would keep
Moderator, Treatment Free Beekeepers group on Facebook.
Moderator, Treatment Free Beekeepers group on Facebook.
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