Nick Herzing wrote:Another thing to consider is personal cooling methods. Basically it's easier to keep a person cool than a whole house.
Paul has done some great work with this in regards to heating--heat the person, not the air--with heat lamps, heated dog bed for the feet, etc. We use fans, which are nice for feeling cooler, and we combine this with a spray bottle--misting ourselves now and then (and even misting down the bed before going to sleep, then sleeping on top of the sheets). We use a lot less
energy than most people here for cooling because we are willing to keep the thermostat at 82 degrees, but cooling costs are still excessive. Some people did live here prior to air conditioning, but it's hard to understand how! There is more we could do to insulate our house, which may still be the biggest help.
An interesting side note is that while in grad school we came down to study lizards each summer then back up to northern Utah to take classes for the winter. It was the opposite migration pattern of all the retired "snow birds" (who double the population of Yuma each winter). After three years of this bake/freeze/bake/freeze cycle I realized that it was getting easier for me to deal with the extreme heat and harder for me to deal with extreme cold. Still, I miss the seasons, the mountains, and the brisk air. . . life is full of tradeoffs!