Hi Norah,
Well Morocco is it! Beautiful place, and beautiful cultures...
As always, the first thing I recommend is..."follow the vernacular"....systems for the area....If you can find a
local "master builder" in one of these applicable styles...learn what you can from them.
I will try to pull things I have in my "web files" that maybe of service in the end of this post. Feel free to ask as many questions as you wish...First some observations...
Without know "specifically" where you are in Morocco, what the building site looks like, and seeing a set of blueprints or CAD model...it is very hard to give more than "very generic" advice...
Norah sun wrote:I am in the process of designing a passive solar, adobe brick, 2 storey family home for the cool winter i designed south facing rooms with glazing to use the sun heat..
Sound viable in the "basic concept," accept for being two stories? This gets into the realm of "master builder" and or PE supervision from an engineer that works in "natural building" (not a common person to find.) Structural adobe, cobb, or even rammed earth over one story in high starts creating some very "active dynamic loads" on the structures wall diaphragms and foundation...
Norah sun wrote:...my question concerns the placing of cool rooms, at least one that doesn't get too hot in summer.....for most people here air-conditioning is a must....
A "cool room" is a good idea, but placement and design is interdependent on all manner of design aspects that aren't really clear from the current description. Are you in the mountains, on the ocean, in a valley, on a hillside, in a
city, are there trees...etc. etc....There are also factors of "chimney effect" and the natural convective currents that come with them in some Middle Eastern vernacular designs...
Norah sun wrote:I need some ideas of placing a room in the house, so it does not get hot, the walls will be 50cm thick with adobe...it is already a good insulator...do you have any ideas to keep it cool? what about openings? shall i have a small or big window? facing north east or west?
Can't really do that from the information provided...sorry...
I can say that if the building is going to be two stories...50 cm thick walls won't be adequate to "safely" carry the loads in most clay soil types for your region. You will need at least 800mm and a meter is much better. I would also strongly recommend "rampart" strengthenings, and if at all possible (if a full DIY
project) a timber frame super structure to carry the roof loads and further strengthen the buildings overall structural elements...
Without some the information I have already solicited...fenestration size and placement is only a wild guess at this point...
Links that may be of interest....
Please note, I was contacted by them in some professional forums on natural building...I do not know the quality of their instruction but their affiliations look very strong for applicable earth based building modalities for your region...
Hope this is of some assistance and at least gets you planning in a helpful direction...