Ronald Bush : The top of the barrel is the 1st heat
energy radiating surface, and is valuable as an secondary cooking surface, a very high heat riser would require
a barrel on top of another 1/2 or Full barrel, this Moves that radiating surface very close to the ceiling, not handy for cooking and radiating heat to the ceiling rather
than where you would traditionally want it !
In an effort to promote the Temperature differences between the Ascending Gas stream within the center column of the Heat Riser, and the temperature of the
Descending Gas stream between the Heat Riser and the Barrel, the Heat Riser is commonly wrapped with additional High Temp insulation ! As a 2'' gap around the
barrel is plenty this allows us the use of 'Rockwool type thick insulation'.
Ceramic blanket insulation which insulates as well with less thickness can be used in this location but this material is very pricey !
The barrel can be cautiously off-set, with a 1.5 '' gap between the Top of the Heat Riser and the Barrel for a 6'' system (2'' for an 8'' system) you will create a hot
side and a cold side, this can allow a closer installation to an adjacent interior wall, and more heat radiated into the heated space, narrow side cool wide side hotter!
Some people are reporting a reversal of hot and cold sides whit the gaps, especially the Top of the Heat Riser to Barrel gap bigger than 2''.
This information is all to be found in the brand new 3rd edition Of Ianto Evans' Great Book "
Rocket Mass Heaters ''! For the Crafts Big Al