Hi Richard,
Wish this was going to be more encouraging than it is...yet most species of tree do not "hold bark" after death...
Another issue is that with the bark left on you are risking further infestation, and degradation by
wood infestation Coleoptera. "Adirondack" style architecture and its related vernacular globally, is one of my specialties, it is virtually impossible to keep bark on, and you will only find that gluing is going to be necessary in due
course. I would need more details (photos, blueprints etc.) to give more advice on your joinery methods. I would strongly suggest "shouldered joints" with "mortise and housed socket" joints if employing round tenon and mortise modality. Cedars, locust-acacia, cypress, musclewood, manzanita, madrone, and their related ssp. are some of the best to achieve your desired effect. All will require continuous touch up of their natural oil finishes (once a year minimum if exposed.)