Does anybody know what kind of relationship that the inky cap mushrom has to plant life (ex. symbioti, parasitic, mutual)? I found some growing in the hay mulch i have been spreading.
Anything that decomposes that fast, before it is even done growing, is saprophytic. It's not going to stick around long enough to develop a symbiotic or parasitic relationship with anything. It's the "no commitments" member of the Fungal Kingdom.
John Elliot : Thanks for that super clear explanation and visual image, Even as I type this, the serial numbers are getting ground off and I am stealing this one for my own ! big AL !
Success has a Thousand Fathers , Failure is an Orphan
I just wanted to add that this decomposition of the organic matter would benefit the plants eventually as the fungi would break down the avaliable nutrients into bioavaliable forms for the plants to absorb.
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