I believe mulch works everywhere but in the med you may not have
enough wood chips so other mulches would be in order.
Also, the film is a little misleading. Although he did initially, Paul does not currently use wood chips in his garden, The 'soil' in his garden is produced by his
chickens as all his
yard and garden waste goes into the
chicken run where the
chickens process and add their manure, then this 'soil' into the garden in the fall. The orchard does have an ample layer of wood chips.
I also believe that in many cases poor soils
should be enriched before just throwing down mulch and expecting great results. Adding
compost and/or aged/composted manure before mulching is a huge benefit for most soils. However, by it's very nature, mulch is sheet composting and in time, along with no till, the soil will surely be enriched.
footnote: One fall I placed a pile of leaves in my garden. The following spring as I tilled my otherwise hard ground, the tiller sunk effortlessly to it's maximum depth where the leaves had been in winter. Nature can 'till' better than any machine!
Nolan Robert wrote:Will this work in a mediterranean climate with sandy soil though, you think?