I've worked at a 21 acre
retirement community for well, decades, and way back in the past my grounds crew and I used a compost pile to recycle all the landscape maintenance debris from the 21 acres. From pushing through the grinder/chipper to finished product which we used as mulch on the shrub beds was usually 6 to 8 weeks.
5 piles, one to be ground up pile, one fresh ground pile, turned into 2nd 'working' pile, turned into 3erd ' working' pile, turned into finished pile.
In the winter the female members of the crew really liked turning the piles. They could stick their feet into the warm compost and stay warm on frosty days.
Unfortunately the we wore the grinder out in 3 years and couldn't convince the front office to buy us a new one.
But not to lose hope, the new grounds boss has purchased a grinder and is starting a new composting operation, complete with compost tea.