I caught a very small swarm a while back and had little hope that they would make it. When I collected them they had been out in the rain and the cold for a week exposed. I was pretty surprised that they then picked up and built comb, had a laying queen and were making progress. I just went away for 10 days and during that time this small but active colony totally died.
They left 4 combs of waxThere was plenty of capped brood ready to emerge (some dead in the process of emerging)about 6 dead bees visible in the bottom of the hiveSome eggs visible in the bottom of cells.All honey stores have been stripped out by my other colonies
WHile I have been away I have had reports of a swarm of
bees in the area that went into a roof, absconded, went into another roof and absconded again.
My thoughts are that they have absconded rather than died (my adjacent hive is going gangbusters so I'm not thinking about pesticides).