Bert, I grow/trade/forage/hunt 90% of our food. It would be closer to 99% but we like to splurge on the weekends and eat out a breakfast and dinner. Since I really need to
feed ourselves from the gardens, I've learned to eat plenty that I wasn't raised to. Things like baby pumpkins & squash, sweet potato vine tips, assorted "weeds", inner broccoli stalks, broccoli leaves, that sort of thing. I'll use the tougher leaves and stalks of cabbage and plenty of others, onion/leek skins and leaves, veggie rinds, etc for making stock. What people throw into their
compost piles, we have the tendency to eat ... or feed it to livestock.
should try those baby pumpkins. It's fun to experiment with new foods. We often aren't thrilled when we first try new stuff, but it grows on you. We now really want pumpkin in stir fry and stews.