A few years ago I was part of a board about
intentional community. And several of the board members had a side
project about designing a large building that could could house several IC's: each a little different from the others.
One of the ideas I threw into the pot was that each floor of the building would be exactly the same height. And throughout the building there would be "utility posts" offering power,
water, sewage, etc. Walls could be connected to the posts and carry power, offering a way to make some rooms bigger and some rooms smaller on an as-needed basis. Further, some rooms could have bathrooms and some could have kitchenettes (connected directly to utility posts).
As the community evolved, a person could remain with the community, but have a larger space as two people share a space. Larger still when there are children. And smaller when the nest is empty. Those that can afford a lot of square feet could have it. Those living frugally could have a small space.
Maybe once every few years, there could be a big re-shaping for half of the community. Maybe some folks will have their space move a little to the left, and others will get a new space, and others will have their space grow or shrink a bit.
Even without community, I think that something like this could be really effective for any home. The outside is fixed, but the inside is easily changed willy-nilly as family needs change.