Oh, the other thing I wanted to say is that I don't really give much rigorous thought to what commonly passes for companion planting. For me, 90% of the vegetable world works well with each other, 9% does so-so, and 1% shouldn't go together. That leaves me a huge margin to mix and match as I see fit. If there's
enough plants and species in the mix, that's companion planting for me.
Whether a certain pairing works or doesn't work may have a lot more to do with weather, soil ecology, pH and a whole host of other things. Saying that you can get a better yield generally by companion planting sells
books but doesn't come very close to the reality of
gardening, as I've learned the hard way. Don't get me wrong, I want the most diverse
polyculture but blanket statements like Carrots love Tomatoes (title of a book) just doesn't cut it for me anymore .
Anyway, a lot of the pairs you end up choosing are ones that you've discovered work well for you on your site. That information only comes through
experience with your site.
Comfrey and oregano seem like a good combo, as long as you're cutting back the comfrey often.
Apple trees - comfrey - asparagus might work together, but the apple tree is not going to like having it's
roots disturbed by harvesting of below-ground asparagus, so if you can buy the asparagus that gets harvested above ground.
Tomatoes and pumpkins are both heavy feeders, so you would probably need lots of nutrients there for them. Plus they would grow into each other and make maintaining and harvesting the tomatoes a disaster.
Asparagus and pumpkins would go well if you're planting pumpkin into an already old stand of asparagus.
I would want comfrey to go with something that is getting cut regularly or that sits and grows as big as possible, maybe getting chopped once or twice.
Oregano I would want next to the tree, since they both stay untouched but weeded.
Pumpkins I would want on their own in a large space so they can run.
Tomatoes are dominating, unless you're pruning. Can't really grow stuff under them if they're bushy.
I noticed that of the plants you've chosen, only comfrey really supplies nutrients. Might want to think about adding some more of those. Cover is cheap and easy. Buckwheat if you can get it (my
chickens eat buckwheat in their feed). Oh and tons of dandilion and catalogna and
nettles (only in the right places). We also do broad beans and then cut them back when other stuff grows up.