Inspired by Labiando Farms in podcast 029 I thought I'd start a pallet
project thread.
Pallets are still an amazing and generally free resource which are broadly available.
This is a thread to swap Ideas of things to do on the cheep with pallets. I'll start simple but I'd say anywhere up to a pallet palace as long as it costs less than 500 $ to complete.
Bins. You can twist these up with nothing more than A few spikes of rebar, a hammer, tin snips, and wire. Easy to put up and disassemble with all parts reusable unless you get frustrated untwisting the wire. Cut a
cardboard insert if needed for the bottom
Fencing. Again easily accomplished with wire, rebar and/or t-posts. With t-posts you can make the
fence two pallets tall.
Decks. Truly you have not lived (at least not in the Pacific Northwest) until you have made yourself a pallet deck. It can be a simple as tossing a pallet over that muddy space that was your main entrance. Don't be stupid though, use a solid
enough pallet for the job. For those who fear wrenching their ankles you can use anything, plywood, 1" ceder paneling, something nicer to make it into an actual functional porch, but that would require knowing how to drive a nail.