Kristi Campbell : You did not give us a location, is -' the arrival of''cold weather'' your time keeper, or is there a more demanding timekeeper, your
local neighborhood association,
or a Nasty-gram from a nosey Code Enforcement Office ? Is this likely to happen?
Identify where your potential problems might be -a spiteful neighbor- a school bus driver worried about his line-of-sight!
should be able to convince everyone that you have good intentions, and you are temporarily disabled, and had a good plan for the dispersal of the chips !
Talk To your doctor and get something in writing, usually this can be a few words written on an Prescription sheet!
If you can afford to see a physical therapist do so, they can quickly tell you don't do this,or else ! They can give you strengthening exercises and work arounds
if you can work your schedule to their less busy times or offer to take them to lunch you will find that they really want to be part of your health recovery team
and will work with-you even to just giving you an outline of a patent (you) care plan that would span months.
Most high schools now have a community service requirement to achieve before graduation, if you can get through to the right teacher you MIGHT find a football
team complete with coaches in your
yard saying were do you want this stuff moved lady ?!, or just a 98 pound nerd from the chess club, but more help than
you've got now
Is there a local garden society ! Think permiculture, the problem IS the solution !
Short version, make sure you have time, don't make the problem worse, be creative ! Yeah TEAM !
Hope this helps and is timely Big AL