Vincent A. : Right here in the Buildings forum take a look at the Wofati buildings, These are designed for Montana Winters and should be adequate for your needs !
You might want to look at a few
books by
Rob Roy who is very knowledgeable about underground and earth sheltered houses and living roofs ! He is an infrequent
contributor to these pages, and has some very good information on how to plan your build to build debt free !
You may also want to look into the
Rocket Mass Heater forums, and the 'Rocket Mass Heaters in Greenhouses' forum threads!
First things first, the Donner party was an aberration in history, didn't happen in Colorado, and " Seven Brides for Seven Brothers" was a broadway play, and never
happened !
Most of the eastern 1/2 of Colorado is in the rain shadow of mountains further west. This means that as storms come from the west in order to get over the Rockies
they drop most of their snow on the western slopes of the Rockies, Usually the Real Estate people do not talk about the rain shadow thingy because they think every
-one moves to Colorado for the skiing !
A little research and time spent learning from locals will help you figure your probable winter snow load, heating season prevailing wind direction, and what roads to
take and what roads to stay off of when its snowing/nasty out. In a couple years you will know the
local weather better than the guy in Denver !
You want to ask about the local geology, you probably are at a slight risk for Radon gas released from the local rocks, the air should be fine, again hopefully you are
in a rain shadow !
20' of earth over a shipping container that was never developed for that purpose is a bad idea, some containers can accept 5' or so or conditioned soil underneath a
ground level umbrella is a possibility !
While I am not a super surviver at least as a type, and this is not really a surviver information site. we will share what we can. I do know that moving in a lot of
equipment, and supplies and committing massive underground building is announcing your presence, or pining a target on yourself ! As much as possible you want to
convince people you are into building a Zero Energy, Passive
solar house, and not a well stocked supermarket and gun store for a shit-hits-the-fan scenario !
If you ever saw that kind of snow fall you would want that skylight to open wide enough to let you get out ! There are special gaskets that get treated with silicone to
keep them from freezing together! It will be cheaper to store dry canned goods like beans and things in cans for the apocalypse than to use artificial light (and heat)
to grow your food if say The great Yellowstone Caldera pops! -NOT Doable !
If possible you want to be that low key monotoned drab and very boring none entity everyone ignores or moves away from to the locals, not an endless source of
speculation and wild rumors ! Good luck Big AL