K Eilander wrote:Here's a pic of the vitamix blender pitcher I repaired with food safe (for however much we trust that) uv resin. It had a crack in the side and in the base after an unfortunate attempt to blend a spoon!
The fix has held up great even after much use and has saved me a couple hundred bucks for new parts!
BTW, For reference, the black stuff in the base is not blender slime, but Plasti-Coat plastic spray paint that I added at the same time. It has mostly worn off since, but the fix is still doing fine.
Thank you for mentioning this! I have a different brand of high-powered blender, but it developed microcracks in the blending jar. Not
enough to leak, but enough that stuff seeped in and couldn't be cleaned out. I'll have to check out UV resins, maybe there's something that can reseal the surface.