S1R9A9M9 Discrepancies And Lies, And Corrections From 2008
This section is a grouping of data collected from the YouTube videos and original web forum called Waterfuel1978, regarding mostly the TRUE AND SUCCESSFUL 18 HP Briggs mower engine demonstrations that ran on water during summer 2008 Georgia. Those who are following this particular hydrogen gas conversion need to know these things I found out over a long period of time.
Nathren + son also Nathren, gave data as the shop work progressed through various adjustments on cars and mower engine. Majority of thousands of messages tech data is true. Once a viable system is first completed, general information is given to permies, but controlled to an extent. Priority confidential parts hook ups are kept out of released info. These changes and misrepresented parts have been verified by very diligent observations of all data found over time. Here is what you missed or didn't know --- Nathren (father) was uneducated as people can see from his writings on web forum. The son WAS a technician who worked in the Georgia shop with the two technicians on projects. The father Nathren gave impression in web forum messages that he was responsible for these conversions and gave directions to the tech people. Not so. He did not know specially how sections worked as he was not the brains behind these engine conversions. His sentences had to be gone over several times, just to figure what he had really meant. Yes, it was that bad.
The conversion parts during 2008 summer demonstration were contained in a plastic deli tub, on side of engine, spray painted gray to keep eyes out of needed information on the Briggs 18HP engine conversion to hydrogen gas and water vapor pressure. There were several other parts in tub not talked about. ( figured as accessory spark gap, diodes, wire connectors. After considerable amount of my comparisons done on this special wind of S1R9A9M9 triple wires assembly, It has been found out that the picture shown in color, of the coils is really the original one used in the YouTube videos , (basic frame) but modified before being shown to public on that graph paper photo. The wiring directions have also been changed,- not only of the coil itself, but also the wire ends function and hook up. The original unit used had a BENT steel nail as core. See photo, as original. Others are copies with straight nail. When unit was removed from engine after the 2 videos, the wires JOINT extra wire with the red and gray, was snipped off leaving a stub wire with frayed copper sticking out . You can actually see that on enlarged photo on the graph paper. This was a separate connection used on engine. An actual ground connection, because this whole thing was originally a step down autotransformer type to increase current TO spark plug with ratio step up of 7 to 20 current from 3.5 to 10 amps. The alternator without modifications was pulsing DC 3.5amps maximum. The exterior extension cord has a Y with one end hooked to ground under plug, while other end goes to the tub. The main cord plug is breached with jumper so as this becomes one very LONG wire to ground for the transformer tap point. Now the high voltage bare wire of coils assembly, hooks both to ignition and to white #12 wire to plug. This 2nd joint actually had 3 wires- white 12 gauge + bare #12 wire + red #14 gauge together. The main other joint also had 3 sections. Power comes in on the one gray wire from both battery and alternator. Battery start was necessary to get alternator up to idling RPM for useable current output, to get the pulsing DC from the one diode to actually run a transformer. Either AC or pulsing on + off DC will run a transformer. The red wire and High Volts go to spark plug. NOW******The original S1R9A9M9 coils unit used ( NEVER SHOWN) had to have had 7 turns parallel wound TOGETHER with the 5 turns ignition side. That makes the whole unit a transformer with steel core under both primary and secondary. With this particular step down voltage autotransformer, the 2 coils 13T and 7T together is the full Primary. 20:7 as 20 turns to 7 turns ratio. 1 to 2.8 as step up current ratio as 3.5 amps primary side from idling alternator before transformer effect to 10 amps. An autotransformer type, has 3 terminals only. Nathren had taken the original from engine and loosened- removed the RED coil from the 5 turns high V as being in parallel, and changed it to 90 degrees wind , so as there would be no core for the red wire, and then no transformer to use. There is a crunch effect on the wire also from the 90 degrees. This THEN, does not disturb the main joint that STILL has the stub wire. They did not want proprietary information let out, on how their system actual worked. He then said he would later show
video on how to wind one of these. What he did though, on video was a "take apart" only. It was noticed that when comparing the so called original photo, he had removed the STUB FRAYED wire and retaped up the joint just before the take apart. You can see this in start of video with coils setting on table. (stub removed and retaped up differently. He did not want people seeing this 3rd wire piece falling out during video. (That was the ground wire tap for an autotransformer!)
In the 1st of the (5 ) S1R9A9M9 You tube videos, you can see the power wire coming down from engine upper plastic cowl going down into the plastic tub with the high volts ignition wire. Run video at lowest speed and see open spot where the black electrical tape had pulled down exposing the 2-3 wires. The heat of summer, engine heat, and the weight of tub of parts had loosened the glue , allowing the tape to slide down. By playing video back and forth , you can see the wires actually moving around. This power source was the FIRST proof of Nathren's real video! The old battery in video 1, was poor, so he hooked up a battery charger to add volts to run the starter motor. The water hose from bottle was placed in carb top chute. The hose was pinched slightly to get proper flow of water. Engine ran best during the later part of Video number 2. (That's the part that will make you smile!)
The purpose of the (2) 2008 videos was to show an engine running on water only, using battery for start only, then battery completely removed, with engine self running as OVERUNITY, running on formed hydrogen gas and water vapor pressure. The on board ring dual alternators under flywheel powered by the normal 12 magnets provided the lower 3.5 amps that was subsequently increased to 10 amps. All the earlier technicians car engine conversions had 6-7 amps through spark plugs. The 10 was not really needed. My own triple coils made, has slightly more turns, as it will use 6 amps , but using the same level magnetic field generated, by increasing the number of turns on both sides by the same increase ratio of current 7:20. The required timing change is based on this same level strength of MAGNETIC FIELD to time extend the spark in milliseconds to about negative late 34 degrees. The tap to ground runs primary as the higher turns section , with the lower turns section being the increased current side. This is what Nathren didn't want you to know. It fooled me for a long time until I figured it out.
The related "Smack" videos, relating to the same 2 demonstrations, show the NON original, modified type unit as it has a STRAIGHT nail, and the joint is removed. It's the one that has the 90 degree winding. (non transformer). Smack came 1000 miles to Nathren's property to see an engine that ran on water, but was disappointed. Nathren never intended to show how it worked. The fool Smack never even tested engine to see if it would at that time even run on
gasoline. The engine had sat in garage for long time before he got there, and it had seized up valves, no compression, from not being cleaned before storage with salt water from the original 2 demonstrations. He wasn't as smart as he thought he was , just like other young guys who think they know it all.
Nathren's other porch video was coils unit connected to engine improperly as 'in induction mode", which would never work. In the 2 original S1R9A9M9 You tube videos, the green 400watt Inverter box was NOT connected as any power. That was there, in background to mislead people watching. That box was only used on only all the car conversions using special dual coils relay per cylinder, as parts use-, not for relay type use.
I had way earlier asked him for the engine model number. (For more data for me to collect.) He did NOT comply and wanted to know WHY I wanted that. I was concerned about what type alternator was on his engine. He replied that engine did NOT have an alternator and the flywheel had no magnets to run it. More lies. (Everybody knows that all riding lawnmowers have a working alternator to recharge the battery.) He also said he purchased the engine new just for the videos. Upon closer checking of engine surface, it was dirty, and it was a used engine removed from a riding mower chassis. With the battery disconnected during both videos,-there was no way to power the engine conversion circuit. It would not work without an alternator. The salt water as electrolyte at spark plug tips, allows more current to flow with common electrolysis at spark plug tips. During piston downward thrust, the water becomes "VOLITILE" and changes to pressure vapor and expands also for more piston pressure. This all happens during about negative 34 degrees late timing, caused by the magnetic field over the inserted bare spark plug wire part of the coils assembly. Some of the field travels down to plug tips also. Exactly at the time of You tube videos release during 2008, Nathren was truthful and properly answering questions. Abruptly he changed stories and had redesigned coil, photos, and hook ups so as repeat performance of an engine on water would never happen again.
They said back then, the initial car V8 conversion of 1978 El Camino was on 18 miles per gallon water only, road tested for 3000 miles, using required EGR to get the Nitrogen from exhaust to improve engine performance. Engines will start and idle on water, with way lowered power output, but no power acceleration mode unless carburetor jet is increased/redrilled about 33% larger hole for more carburetor water to engine. With an appreciable amount of RESISTANCE OHMS in the electrolyte being there at plug tips, (10-22 ohms) a higher volts is needed to push the 6-7-10 amps through the spark plug. I X R = E volts needed. That's what the UNUSUAL bare #12 wire was for in the S1R9A9M9 TRIPLE COILS ASSEMBLY. It's called -----crossover leakage induction voltage , and in series with the low volts to raise it up so as full current can be realized. Nathren said several times in the forum to use 10 amps and 100 volts, but neglected to say how it was done. The several previous car conversions done there in Georgia, with zero ohms spark plugs with saltwater/ baking soda also needed a much higher volts to push 6-7 amps. The web forum had only one paragraph saying 60 turns #14 gauge insulated wire over spark plug thick insulated cable as a test for "show". I believed that was a HINT on how it was done on all those other earlier engines. (4 cyl
tractor, 4 cyl car, 6 cyl car, 1978 V8 cylinder car, and the V8 engine on engine stand self powering their full electric for the
workshop with large generator attached, and just the water line. Engine ran 24 hours all the time, never shut off. Engines must have EGR with adjustable valve added . Questions?