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Briggs 18Hp Mower Engine Ran On Water In Carburetor

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Since the spark plug electrolyte cell requires over 100 volts added on / superimposed in series to the low volts power supply to get the 6-7 amps through spark plug of about 22 ohms CELL, there is another method to do this without relying on the leakage voltage transfer from the S1R9A9M9 triple wires electromagnet assembly section. A purchased miniature power supply module as DC to DC converter, high frequency, 150W, with fast rectification, can be used with power resistor ON THE INPUT BATTERY side to limit the power/ current way down, and get mostly the higher voltage needed ON THE OUTPUT SIDE. It's called isolated- "150W dc12v to AC220v power inverter module. The small board HAS built in optional use, full wave rectification output .The selection jumper also allows for 110/220v . This is the upgraded, now better unit on Ebay. The regular box Inverter to DC  use higher wattage power supply will send the amps + wattage, while the small P.S. board supplies the superimposed higher DC volts required to push the 6-7 amps through the ohms resistance of spark plug electrolysis electrolyte at those plug TIPS. Since the small board is basically an Inverter with no connection between primary side and secondary, it's called ISOLATED as per the grounds connection. The main unit P.S. would be also like that. (Resistor cannot be on secondary side, as it would also limit the main other previously adjusted P.S. The LOAD cell is the resistance for BOTH.) Again, there is also what's called waste spark, which during that time of flywheel rotation, the intake valve of Briggs engine is closed and no significant water at plug.
(Your flashlight has multiple DC volts batteries in series to raise up voltage for the bulb.)
Russ Rob
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Where did they get their information from?      To answer your question, I am referred back to the thousands of messages on the now shut down web forum, used by Nathren and others. Nathren was a non-technical person - at all., little formal education, just hands on work knowledge. His son, also Nathren, WAS a technician and worked for an electrical company. They had a part time machine shop/garage, where the other 2 TECHNICIANS also worked in their spare time on alternate energy systems-solar,  and electrolysis for hydrogen. Therefore, all 4 of them tinkered in the garage/workshop in Georgia. So now you know who designed and built the electrical circuits for the different car conversions and the mower engine that ran on THE SAME type spark plug electrolysis for hydrogen and water vapor pressure.  On the Waterfuel1978 forum, Nathren signed in as S1R9A9M9, and son signed in as Nathren. You could tell the big difference by the technical quality of paragraphs written. ( The code S1R9A9M9 came from a metal machining job done by contract for small part used on a previous NASA mission to space. It is a reference to MARS 1999 spelled backwards. That's what he had used to start up the original web forum to tell the public about the TECHNICIAN"S work on alternate energy projects)
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Russ Rob
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Another possible method to increase mower engine high voltage is to add a Hall effect sensor  circuit that senses the North pole field of the flywheel rotating magnet near the magnetron, and use the output pulse to turn on a transistor for 12 volts DC to go to the tab terminal on the engine coil. That terminal is connected to primary, and is normally used to shut off the mower engine by the ground connection. Insertion of FAST12 volts superimposed on the 5-8v from magnet would increase the back EMF generated, higher than -130v,  so that the secondary side gets higher, high volts output.  A unipolar Hall, 3 pins, on the small board would have the leads bent over and shaped so that the hall head faces backwards. This would allow the North Pole to turn on the switch. After magnet passes by, the circuit shuts off. A
transistor power switch is way faster than a small relay to allow battery volts on to the Primary coil. A 3 ohm resistor would be put in series with the .2 ohm primary coil, so as about 4 amps flows, higher than the usual 3 amps of primary ignition on a Briggs lawnmower engine.
It was assumed that, 24000 volts are required for the engine conversion, along with the equal or greater than 100 volts cross leakage induction volts to push 6 amps through the spark plug water cell of about 23 ohms, to get the hydrogen fuel and water vapor pressure at retarded timing -34degrees.
Russ Rob
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                                                                 S1R9A9M9 Discrepancies And Lies, And Corrections From 2008

This section is a grouping of data collected from the YouTube videos and original web forum called Waterfuel1978, regarding mostly the  TRUE AND SUCCESSFUL 18 HP Briggs mower engine demonstrations that ran on water during summer 2008 Georgia. Those who are following this particular hydrogen gas conversion need to know these things I found out over a long period of time.
Nathren + son also Nathren, gave data as the shop work progressed through various adjustments on cars and mower engine. Majority of thousands of messages tech data is true. Once a viable system is first completed, general information is given to permies, but controlled to an extent. Priority confidential parts hook ups are kept out of released info. These changes and misrepresented parts have been verified by very diligent observations of all data found over time. Here is what you missed or didn't know --- Nathren (father) was uneducated as people can see from his writings on web forum. The son WAS a technician who worked in the Georgia shop with the two technicians on projects. The  father Nathren gave impression in web forum messages that he was responsible for these conversions and gave directions to the tech people. Not so. He did not know specially how sections worked as he was not the brains behind these engine conversions. His sentences had to be gone over several times, just to figure what he had really meant. Yes, it was that bad.

The conversion parts during 2008 summer demonstration were contained in a plastic deli tub, on side of engine,  spray painted gray to keep eyes out of needed information on the Briggs 18HP engine conversion to hydrogen gas and water vapor pressure. There were several other parts in tub not talked about. ( figured as accessory spark gap, diodes, wire connectors. After considerable amount of my  comparisons done on this special wind of S1R9A9M9 triple wires assembly, It has been found out that the picture shown in color, of the coils is really the original one used in the YouTube videos , (basic frame) but modified before being shown to public on that graph paper photo. The wiring directions have also been changed,- not only of the coil itself, but also the wire ends function and hook up.  The original unit used had a BENT  steel nail as core. See photo, as original. Others are copies with straight nail. When unit was removed from engine after the 2 videos, the wires JOINT extra wire with the red and gray, was snipped off leaving a stub wire with frayed copper sticking out . You can actually see that on enlarged photo on the graph paper. This was a separate connection used on engine. An actual ground connection, because this whole thing was originally a step down autotransformer type to increase current TO spark plug with ratio step up of 7 to 20 current from  3.5 to 10 amps. The alternator without modifications was pulsing DC 3.5amps maximum. The exterior extension cord has a Y with one end hooked to ground under plug, while other end goes to the tub. The main cord plug is breached with jumper so as this becomes one very LONG wire to ground for the transformer tap point. Now the high voltage bare wire of coils assembly, hooks both to ignition and to white #12 wire to plug. This 2nd joint actually had 3 wires- white 12 gauge + bare #12 wire + red #14 gauge together.  The main other joint also had 3 sections. Power comes in on the one gray wire from both battery and alternator.  Battery start was necessary to get alternator up to idling RPM for useable current output, to get the pulsing DC from the one diode to actually run a transformer. Either AC or pulsing on + off DC will run a transformer. The red wire and High Volts go to spark plug. NOW******The original S1R9A9M9 coils unit used ( NEVER SHOWN)  had to have had 7 turns parallel wound TOGETHER with the 5 turns ignition side. That makes the whole unit a transformer with steel core under both primary and secondary. With this particular step down voltage autotransformer, the 2 coils 13T and 7T together is the full Primary. 20:7  as 20 turns to 7 turns ratio. 1 to 2.8 as step up current ratio as 3.5 amps primary side from idling alternator before transformer effect to 10 amps. An autotransformer type, has 3 terminals only. Nathren had taken the original from engine and loosened- removed the RED coil from the 5 turns high V as being in parallel, and changed it to 90 degrees wind , so as there would be no core for the red wire, and then no transformer to use.  There is a crunch effect on the wire also from the 90 degrees. This THEN, does not disturb the main joint that STILL has the stub wire. They did not want proprietary information let out, on how their system actual worked. He then said he would later show video on how to wind one of these. What he did though, on video was a "take apart" only. It was noticed that when comparing the so called original photo,  he had removed the STUB FRAYED wire  and retaped up the joint just before the take apart. You can see this in start of video with coils setting on table. (stub removed and retaped up differently. He did not want people seeing this 3rd wire piece falling out during video. (That was the ground wire tap for an autotransformer!)

In the 1st of the (5 ) S1R9A9M9 You tube videos, you can see the power wire coming down from engine upper plastic cowl going down into the plastic tub with the high volts ignition wire. Run video at lowest speed and see open spot where the black electrical tape had pulled down exposing the 2-3 wires. The heat of summer, engine heat, and the weight of tub of parts had loosened the glue , allowing the tape to slide down. By playing video back and forth , you can see the wires actually moving around. This power source was the FIRST proof of Nathren's real video! The old battery in video 1, was poor, so he hooked up a battery charger to add volts to run the starter motor. The water hose from bottle was placed in carb top chute. The hose was pinched slightly to get proper flow of water. Engine ran best during the later part of Video number 2.  (That's the part that will make you smile!)

The purpose of the (2) 2008 videos was to show an engine running on water only, using battery for start only, then battery completely removed, with engine self running as OVERUNITY, running on formed hydrogen gas and water vapor pressure. The on board ring dual alternators under flywheel powered by the normal 12 magnets provided the lower 3.5 amps that was subsequently increased to 10 amps. All the earlier technicians car engine conversions had 6-7 amps through spark plugs. The 10 was not really needed. My own triple coils made, has slightly more turns, as it will use 6 amps , but using the same level magnetic field generated, by increasing the number of turns on both sides by the same increase  ratio of current 7:20. The required timing change is based on this same level strength of MAGNETIC FIELD  to time extend the spark in milliseconds to about negative late 34 degrees. The tap to ground  runs primary as the higher turns section , with the lower turns section being the increased current side. This is what Nathren didn't want you to know. It fooled me for a long time until I figured it out.

The related "Smack" videos, relating to the same 2 demonstrations, show the NON original, modified type unit as it has a STRAIGHT  nail, and the joint is removed. It's the one that has the 90 degree winding. (non transformer).  Smack came 1000 miles to Nathren's property to see an engine that ran on water, but was disappointed. Nathren never intended to show how it worked. The fool Smack never even tested engine to see if it would at that time even run on gasoline. The engine had sat in garage for long time before he got there, and it had seized up valves, no compression, from not being cleaned before storage with salt water from the original 2 demonstrations. He wasn't as smart as he thought he was , just like other young guys who think they know it all.

Nathren's  other porch video was coils unit connected to engine improperly as 'in induction mode", which would never work. In the 2 original S1R9A9M9 You tube videos, the green 400watt Inverter box was NOT connected as any power. That was there, in background to mislead people watching. That box was only used on only all the car conversions using special dual coils relay per cylinder, as parts use-, not for relay type use.

I had way earlier asked him for the engine model number. (For more data for me to collect.) He did NOT comply and wanted to know WHY I wanted that. I was concerned about what type alternator was on his engine. He replied that engine did NOT have an alternator and the flywheel had no magnets to run it. More lies. (Everybody knows that all riding lawnmowers have a working alternator to recharge the battery.) He also said he purchased the engine new just for the videos. Upon closer checking of engine surface, it was dirty, and it was a used engine removed from a riding mower chassis. With the battery disconnected during both videos,-there was no way to power the engine conversion circuit. It would not work without an alternator. The salt water as electrolyte at spark plug tips, allows more current to flow  with common electrolysis at spark plug tips. During piston downward thrust, the water becomes "VOLITILE" and changes to pressure vapor and expands also for more piston pressure. This all happens during about negative 34 degrees late timing, caused by the magnetic field over the inserted bare spark plug wire part of the coils assembly. Some of the field travels down to plug tips also. Exactly at the time of You tube videos release during 2008, Nathren was truthful and properly answering questions. Abruptly he changed stories and had redesigned coil, photos,  and hook ups so as repeat performance of an engine on water would never happen again.

They said back then, the initial car V8 conversion of 1978 El Camino was on 18 miles per gallon water only, road tested for 3000 miles, using required EGR to get the Nitrogen from exhaust to improve engine performance. Engines will start and idle on water, with way lowered power output,  but no power acceleration mode unless carburetor  jet is increased/redrilled about 33% larger hole for more carburetor water to engine. With an appreciable amount of RESISTANCE OHMS  in the electrolyte being there at plug tips, (10-22 ohms) a higher volts is needed to push the 6-7-10 amps through the spark plug.  I X R = E volts needed. That's what the UNUSUAL bare #12 wire was for in the S1R9A9M9 TRIPLE COILS ASSEMBLY. It's called -----crossover leakage induction voltage , and in series with the low volts to raise it up so as full current can be realized. Nathren said several times in the forum to use 10 amps and 100 volts, but neglected to say how it was done. The several previous car conversions done there in Georgia, with zero ohms spark plugs with saltwater/ baking soda also needed a much higher volts to push 6-7 amps. The web forum had only one paragraph saying 60 turns #14 gauge insulated wire over spark plug thick insulated cable as a test for "show". I believed that was a HINT on how it was done on all those other earlier engines. (4 cyl tractor, 4 cyl car, 6 cyl car, 1978 V8 cylinder car, and the V8 engine on engine stand self powering their full electric for the workshop with large generator attached, and just  the water line. Engine ran 24 hours all the time, never shut off. Engines must have EGR with adjustable valve added . Questions?
Russ Rob
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What's different with this set up by S1R9A9M9? How is this not like other set-ups for spark plug firing water that was tried?

The three technicians in Georgia 2005-2013 and Nathren, who was MOSTLY observing, decided to operate engines on water to hydrogen gas and water vapor pressure, without a separate built electrolysis cell.
1. The water has to be an electrolyte, - such as salt water or baking soda, not plain water.
2. The injection of current has to be limited to 6-7 amps DC. (Fast visual only done with an oscilloscope for pulses) or analog meter with needle. Higher current burns away electrodes.
3. Resistor such as 1 ohm used on ground side of spark plug tested with probes across resistor, so as scope not damaged. I = voltage read divided by resistance across one resistor in series.
4. The circuit must be in milliseconds, not microseconds.
5. Capacitor discharges through spark plug are in microseconds.
6. A circuit with plug that has low voltage 6 amps flow with amp gauge and series variable resistor pre set for 6A ,will show 6 on meter when plug is shorted to ground with screwdriver for a full connection.  But when plug gap changed to electrolyte, the gauge drops to 1 tenth amp flow.  A regular electrolysis cell needs sufficient square inches surface area metal at a low voltage. The spark plug tips are tiny and require much higher volts to push the same current. The electrical load has increased to 10-22 ohms. Therefore, a higher voltage 100v and higher is necessary to  push 6 amps through spark plug. The triple wire coils assembly of S1R9A9M9 has a 5 turns Ignition bare wire that induces into #14 gauge insulated wire a  greater voltage from crossover leakage induction volts. The unit was called Electromagnet and Booster coil.  This was to replace the dual L coils  of the specialized relays per cylinder that were used on all the previous car engine conversions along with the main Inverter box 110v AC to half wave DC.
7. The high voltage line requires inductor L of about 1.75millihenry to help with the reduction of spark speed. ( wire on insulated plastic bobbin holder only) (60 cycles coil at .6 ohm  reactance of L, as 1.75Millihenry, - coil of original relay)
8. The timing of engine for smoother running requires late timing , ATDC of about 34 degrees negative.
9. The factory Briggs engine was preset at TDC, so as the Electromagnet allowed the spark time to extend onward from zero to about 34 degrees late.
10. The timing point at lower piston travel allows water as volatile by the suction effect to be acted upon to expand to vapor pressure for additional pressure for piston.
11.  The magnetic field effect follows wires and increases efficiency,  and is at spark plug tips . Magnetic field reduces spark plug speed also as it is wrapped over plug wire.
12. The ignition voltage wire enters in exactly at the point of the cathode of diode/diodes protection bank.
13. Electricity always wants to follow direction of the least resistance.  DC Ignition attempts abruptly to pass through the ON DIODE backwards, as it senses a ground that way. The diode fast closes off, and ignition compresses , then releases back to do the EFFORT of JUMPING spark plug gap. This diode/ignition event  releases RADIANT ENERGY that follows to spark plug tips.
14. Ignition DC volts on previous cars were about 24,000 volts. Lawn mower engine Magnetron volts is lower, but can be adjusted upward with an in series, accessory, adjustable spark gap The car engines converted all had 2-3 spark gaps in series,- distributor rotor gap, relay contacts gap, and spark plug gap. .The compression effect on spark plug also causes Ignition coils to increase output volts.
15. Ignition polarity is to match the polarity of the current added to the circuit.
16. MANY fast recovery type diodes required for wiring circuit FR607.
17. Placement of parts in certain order for higher volts of crossover, as Ignition coil to diode blocks, to S1R coils, to accessory spark gap, to insertion point last cathode, to inductor, to diode to spark plug. (the 2 spark gaps in series have voltage drops)  Higher volts wanted on the crossover point .
18. Nathren said that other wiring design coils would work too. I assumed he meant the 5 turn bare wire #12, to be wound in parallel instead, together, wound, with 5-7 turns #14 insulated type for higher crossover volts.   (The 90 degrees regular S1R type wind would stifle some of the transfer volts). This then, would have core steel long screw
underneath for better magnetic induction effect.
19. The engine selected should have EGR  valve or EGR added with adjustable valve to obtain the embedded Nitrogen from exhaust which allows smoother running engine.
20. Briggs Brand used riding mower engine, 8-20HP can have alternator ring removed and changed for higher amps output, such as dual yellow wires type or dual black wires type, and also changed flywheel so as the underneath magnets are large instead of the small type. See photos Ebay. Start engine with power supply, then recharge battery with ring alternator.or underneath car alternator added on.  Nathren and the Georgia shop technicians ran mower engine on just alternator without battery connected. Battery was used for circuit initial power only and the starter motor,  then completely removed. The Briggs 18hp  was self running on Briggs alternator only at a lower RPM.
See again the S1R9A9M9  (2) YouTube videos by Nathren and son. ,
Russ Rob
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I finally found a reference on how to increase ignition high volts, like S1R9A9M9 Nathren, quite easily, from lawn mower Magnetron output. Data is from 2008, where poster Capacitor70 placed several notes regarding the method. It has to do with adding in 3 capacitors and firing an additional mounted ADJUSTABLE TYPE SPARK PLUG TESTER The wiring hooks to a  2 1/4" Diameter gray ferrite toroid core FT240-31  as step up transformer with 8 + 24 turns. The secondary side hooks to the main spark plug, and also the additional power supply amps. The transformer wires should be insulated high voltage silicone cables. I am using white 30kv and red 30kv. Winding directions polarity have to be figured. (Automotive ignitions are usually quite high in volts, contrary to lawn mower engine's Magnetron). A Briggs Magnetron is a pre1982 Magneto with a solid state trigger module epoxied in, and is all a one-piece unit.  Total capacitance  in series as less than 1000pf, near 500PF, at  6kv to 24kv total. Has to do with speed of resonance of Primary  L and C. Suggested use was 2200pf+3900pf+7500pf. Use electronics formula for capacitors in series. The transformer will work for both negative and positive high voltage. While High V is going, must slowly adjust the first gap, to get the second gap to fire.   EAY purchase orders less costly than Amazon that has minimum $35 order for no shipping charge. Some separate electronics companies have a minimum dollar order plus shipping plus sales tax. Someone back at that time had converted a Volvo 4cyl car engine to water, using the toroid method.  Capacitor70 converted 3 different motorcycle engines that ran on water in carbs.HE said the new method was better than string of series diodes that overheats and melts the solder joints. (I don't see this toroid  as any protection for main power supply.) He said there is an isolation factor. I also don't really believe it was just coincidence that the (2) S1R engine demonstrations came out in the same time summer 2008 as the capacitor70 tech data! Several drawings on Internet are wrong for the spark plug hook up for capacitor70 circuit. SEE THE ACTUAL TOROID CORE PICTURE FOR ORIGINAL USED AS GREEN WIRE HOOKED TO ACCESSORY FIRST  SPARK PLUG TOP! The higher turns brown magnet wire is secondary step up as volts 1:3. The secondary side should hook to spark plug top and ground, CONTRARY TO THE OTHER INTERNET DRAWINGS. The circuit will allow for PLASMA PATH for the following amps injection. See other notes about the S1R coils as an actual hand wound STEP DOWN transformer ratio 13: 7, to use the low amps pulsing DC output of dual alternators ring, to raise it up to flow the 10 amps as stated, when only at idle speed RPM. The 7 turns WOUND SAME WAY AS 13 turns, REQUIRES THE STEEL NAIL/SCREW CORE underneath for proper magnetic field.) The exterior extension cord that's split,in the videos, allows connection to ground exactly at plug ground. Ground point same for both 1rst spark gap and tap to ground for S1R coils . The electromagnet also provides the needed field that EXTENDS the spark time- slows it down for zero to minus 34 degrees proper late timing. A separate L coil about 1.75millihenry is also in the high voltage line for further time extension.  (Car battery first allows current, then removed.)   The plastic sealed deli tub on side of 18HP Briggs engine contained BOTH the S1r coils assembly + the step up current type pulse transformer with spark gap and capacitors. Nathren had said there were no capacitors used. He was untrained, and ignorant, and was thinking about CONDENSORS - the old wording. The 3 actual technicians in Georgia shop designed and built all the circuits,- not him. He said so. All this has to do with electrolysis at spark plug for hydrogen gas and water vapor pressure for self running engine, as was shown on Youtube video - S1R9A9M9 (2) videos and Nathren's now shut down web forum.
Russ Rob
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I finally found a reference on how to increase ignition high volts, like S1R9A9M9 Nathren, quite easily, from lawn mower Magnetron output. Data is from 2008, where poster Capacitor70 placed several notes regarding the method. It has to do with adding in 3 capacitors and firing an additional mounted ADJUSTABLE TYPE SPARK PLUG TESTER The wiring hooks to a 2 1/4" Diameter gray ferrite toroid core FT240-31 as step up transformer with 8 + 24 turns. The secondary side hooks to the main spark plug, and also the additional power supply amps. The transformer wires should be insulated high voltage silicone cables. I am using white 30kv and red 30kv. Winding directions polarity have to be figured. (Automotive ignitions are usually quite high in volts, contrary to lawn mower engine's Magnetron). A Briggs Magnetron is a pre1982 Magneto with a solid state trigger module epoxied in, and is all a one-piece unit. Total capacitance in series as less than 1000pf, near 500PF, at 6kv to 24kv total. Has to do with speed of resonance of Primary L and C. Suggested use was 2200pf+3900pf+7500pf. Use electronics formula for capacitors in series. The transformer will work for both negative and positive high voltage. While High V is going, must slowly adjust the first gap, to get the second gap to fire. EAY purchase orders less costly than Amazon that has minimum $35 order for no shipping charge. Some separate electronics companies have a minimum dollar order plus shipping plus sales tax. Someone back at that time had converted a Volvo 4cyl car engine to water, using the toroid method. Capacitor70 converted 3 different motorcycle engines that ran on water in carbs.HE said the new method was better than string of series diodes that overheats and melts the solder joints. (I don't see this toroid as any protection for main power supply.) He said there is an isolation factor. I also don't really believe it was just coincidence that the (2) S1R engine demonstrations came out in the same time summer 2008 as the capacitor70 tech data! Several drawings on Internet are wrong for the spark plug hook up for capacitor70 circuit. SEE THE ACTUAL TOROID CORE PICTURE FOR ORIGINAL USED AS GREEN WIRE HOOKED TO ACCESSORY FIRST SPARK PLUG TOP! The higher turns brown magnet wire is secondary step up as volts 1:3. The secondary side should hook to spark plug top and ground, CONTRARY TO THE OTHER INTERNET DRAWINGS. The circuit will allow for PLASMA PATH for the following amps injection. See other notes about the S1R coils as an actual hand wound STEP DOWN transformer ratio 13: 7, to use the low amps pulsing DC output of dual alternators ring, to raise it up to flow the 10 amps as stated, when only at idle speed RPM. The 7 turns WOUND SAME WAY AS 13 turns, REQUIRES THE STEEL NAIL/SCREW CORE underneath for proper magnetic field.) The exterior extension cord that's split,in the videos, allows connection to ground exactly at plug ground. Ground point same for both 1rst spark gap and tap to ground for S1R coils . The electromagnet also provides the needed field that EXTENDS the spark time- slows it down for zero to minus 34 degrees proper late timing. A separate L coil about 1.75millihenry is also in the high voltage line for further time extension. (Car battery first allows current, then removed.) The plastic sealed deli tub on side of 18HP Briggs engine contained BOTH the S1r coils assembly + the step up current type pulse transformer with spark gap and capacitors. Nathren had said there were no capacitors used. He was untrained, and ignorant, and was thinking about CONDENSORS - the old wording. The 3 actual technicians in Georgia shop designed and built all the circuits,- not him. He said so. All this has to do with electrolysis at spark plug for hydrogen gas and water vapor pressure for self running engine, as was shown on Youtube video - S1R9A9M9 (2) videos and Nathren's now shut down web forum.
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Currently hooking up the capacitor70 toroid pulse transformer circuit in conjunction with isolated DC to AC to DC power converter, so as can discharge 6 amps through spark plug using the stepped up higher, high voltage. There are 3 spark gaps total. The high volts is to fire through the outer section of N.P. filter capacitor+ protective Varistor, and the 2 diodes in the bridge rectifier. The Cap70 circuit is to allow NO series diodes protective bank that loses 21 volts at 30kv, and would greatly increase the power input from battery. Statements from the Internet said others had used this Cap70 circuit successfully. The (2) toroid cores FT240-31 are isolated transformers at each end of circuit. Now Nathren, S1R9A9M9, had earlier used thin copper washer under spark plugs with wire attached, so as can have a direct return line back to power source, without going through the engine block. I have a spring steel squeeze 3/4" hose clamp opened with vice grips and #12 scraped magnet wire underneath, so as there is a direct line bottom of plug going to power supply ground. It's like the high volts pulse goes through certain section of P.S. secondary side and when at plug top firing ignition, the amps also follows. The P.S. first toroid has high volts 30kv cable on opposite sides of toroid core. There are several types of isolation here. Way back in time, experimenters were shorting out their Inverter boxes. They need the old style ones that have no circuit board on the secondary side. Mine is one better, and is the cheaper,  China model open board 500Watt PLAIN INVERTER. The existing SMALL transformer is removed. The original inductance of 1/2 primary was 31uh on inductance test meter. At the 20khz frequency preset, you just add about 4 turns+4 turns center tap windings for primary of Toroid transformer. The end filter capacitor is the low ESR type as non polarized, polypropylene 20uf  At using high frequency, you get to use very low count of hand windings. The lower the primary windings, the better is the ratio, for less turns on secondary side needed.  Final output should be about 12-18 volts DC, (instead of 35vDC to overcome voltage loss). Current through the spark plug should be 6-7 amps., at about 24kv. The adjustments of final high volts come from the section of PF series capacitors + the gap distance of 1st adjustable spark gap., and gap of engine plug. The L + C together is also the frequency of primary firing. Use computer calculator for series capacitors formula, as about 600pf total with L inductance of primary.  When testing spark plug under compression, use Snap-on MT-2700 neon bulbs high volts voltmeter. The proper higher volts will suffice for PLASMA PATH to allow the amps to pass through electrolyte at plug gap. During the 4 cycle waste spark, volts  may be higher as way less moisture at that time.  With spark in air, plug is 3kv per mm. The Briggs engine under compression would be 2-5. times higher volts applied. I personally prefer the  isolated power supply put together, rather than the pre-made  Boost DC converter as non isolated, easy to mount, that requires a 2nd battery, because the grounds are the same at both ends. I hope you can use some of this data that relates to the duplication of S1R9A9M9 lawn mower18HP engine that ran on water to Hydrogen during summer of 2008 YouTube videos.
[Thumbnail for Cap-70-drawing.jpg]
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Earlier data on the conversion circuit called "capacitor70" has been researched and recently partially bench tested. It was hoped that the use of this would aid the ongoing conversion of Briggs engine. The set up was a Capacitor70 pulsed step up transformer using PF capacitors in series and discharging into primary of ferrite step up torroid transformer. The positive ignition high volts entered accessory 1rst spark gap and charged up the PF capacitors same time, and then caps pulse discharged into primary to ground. The secondary side was higher voltage depending on the ratio used. Engine compression also raises up voltage at spark plug. The secondary positive higher volts output connected to the anode side of power supply bridge rectifier. The cathode side connected to top of spark plug. Therefore, the secondary side was in series with the bridge rectifier, and spark plug. Spark plug connected to casting ground, which is same as the ground for positive  ignition coil. Separate wire at plug metal, with clamp, went up and was the return line to secondary, and was then on through secondary coil to anode side of rectification. (return line of power supply)
This set up was to increase the voltage of ignition coil and to also eliminate the use of battery power wasting series string protective diodes bank. He said his earlier use of diodes had melted it's solder and was not good.
After doing this set up, I found out 2 major flaws. The capacitor discharge circuit was operating in microseconds of time instead of the required milliseconds. Also the pressing of about 24KV against about 2kv diodes indicates only a very short useful time period, due to overvoltage damage. Any protective 75v enclosed spark gaps added on, would only not allow DC to proceed and find only AC. The high volts + DC current (with 100v) have to happen at the same time flowing through spark plug. Also, the initial Capacitor70 torroid shown in picture had only magnet wire on the bare metal surface with the flowing very high voltage. This overall, seemed not a viable circuit, and not done by a COMPETENT technician.
His earlier diodes type circuit was on 3 separate small motorcycle engines , running on water to hydrogen at electrolysis spark plug. His last statement, was regarding reverting "back" to the diodes design type circuit. Another party had earlier stated his use of the "capacitor70" circuit and was mounted on Volvo car engine and running on water to hydrogen at spark plugs.
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Phil Stevens wrote:What's the additional energy source? Electrolysis of water requires more energy than you will be able to get from the hydrogen. Commercial efficiency maxes out at 75% and that's before you start to factor in all the losses in an internal combustion engine. So something else is involved if you're producing enough H2 to run the engine and do work...even if all the work it's doing is powering the magneto.

According to the old written documents from 2005-2019 Georgia, The several car engine conversions were done all the same way . Input power was 6-7 amps pulsed DC , through spark plugs from 12v dc input 400 watt inverter box. The AC was converted to DC 110v DC as full wave , so as to get maximum amps. This provided the necessary 100 volts due to the small electrolysis electrodes. The operation at negative minus adjustable 34 degrees timing along with 2 series inductors 1.75mh caused a time extension of spark time so as further contact of water with current. The salt water separated into both water vapor pressure to move pistons, as well as hydrogen gas evolution and fired as pressure. The car mostly talked about was his, as the 1978 V8 Elm Camino. After driven at highway speeds at slow acceleration, at low power, it was put in storage by Nathren S1R9A9M9, after 3000 miles and 18 miles per gallon water. The converted engines require EGR on them with adjustable hand valve. Reused water from exhaust also increases efficiency due to nitrogen being compressed into the expelled water and reused. The required inductors were inside a dual coils relay that was under vacuum and were made as  high efficient type for AC power pole Georgia electrical boxes. They had 15 units. Engines will start and run at idle with proper timing, but for power mode with throttle, the carb tops are removed and main jet is removed and redrilled for 33% larger hole for water- not gasoline. The engines can be kept running using water, or if shut down , they must be reran on gasoline and sprayed inside with lubricant. He had used bottled baby oil. His property had a creek in the back, so he had carried out spring -mineral water for his projects. Conductive water makes more hydrogen gas. Box inverter was isolated from car frame and used a 2nd battery for main power. The V8 engine alternator charged both batteries. Another V8 was on shop engine stand with electrical power generator providing electricity for shop on water line.

The other conversion done was the Briggs 18HP riding mower engine with dual coils alternators under flywheel. They didn't use a separate power supply to run the conversion and then recharge the battery with alternator. The 12v battery provided the INITIAL only 10 amps directly, while the starter motor was turning at low RPM . When at idle speed, the car battery was completely removed, and the mower engine ran off the alternator. Remember now, the circuit requires a lower 6-7 amps while Briggs was set for 10 amps. Then 100volts pressure is required because of the small electrode tips of zero ohms resistance Champion converted spark plug. The ignition fired the spark which had the time extension on it provided by the added on magnetic field of S1R9A9M9 triple coils assembly. The steel core and insulated turns were over the plug wire. You see ,- he did it that way because Briggs engines are pre set at factory for zero timing, non adjustable. The old cars had adjustable distributors for timing. So the timing started at zero and extended spark to late 34 degrees. Late timing is also required for running on hydrogen fuel. You can still see this engine running on water in the (2) S1R9A9M9 Youtube videos. The internet web forum is shut down. A 4-1 power ratio of engine size to an electrical generator is required due to the low power of running on water. The Magnetron ignition voltage was self powered by 12 magnets under top of flywheel  Now, each side of the dual alternators was used for main power ONLY WHEN AT IDLE speed from the starter motor shut off. The battery had ran the 10amps direct, ran the hand wound step up autotransformer for 100v AC and then DC, and the other side AC line ran the hand wound step down autotransformer to get the 10 amps for the spark plug WHEN battery was disconnected. Ratio current going up is same as voltage going down. This has 3 terminals , - not 4 for the autotransformers. There is a ground point connection for the primary sides. You can see the extension cord in videos going to ground. The ignition high volts touched battery terminals only during start mode. He made no safety precautions fot the 2 demonstrations on You tube videos. A single diode rectification of AC provides a required PULSE on/off type that will run transformers, - not full wave type. The plastic deli container on side of Briggs engine contains majority of small parts. He feeds in the water to carburetor with the hose pinched with fingers to regulate water flow. The set up in his back yard was to just show it was possible to run lawn mower engine on water.
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Can you put that into an energy balance equation, pretty please? I just want the kWh in (all sources) versus kWh out (shaft equivalent is fine).
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The engine conversions tech values were done in Georgia, not by me. Energy calculations were not on the web forum.
Minor correction to my last paragraph posted : - Lawn mower  Magnetron ignition high voltage self powered by 1 magnet on outer flywheel. The ( 2) 1/2  plastic ring  alternators were self powered  by 12 magnets on underside of flywheel . The 2  AC sides operate AFTER starter low RPM mode to idling mode, at higher RPM.
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It is commonly known that a half wave DC pulse 50% duty cycle will run a hand wound step up and step down 3 terminal autotransformer. A small relay with double sets of contacts as used with capacitor can form a temporary vibrator buzzer, which has DC input. The opposite set of contacts can open + close so as can run primary of transformer using the battery power first, then the alternator takes over when battery is disconnected. (2 vibrators and 2 autotransformers) The Briggs dual AC alternators on same ring are used with diode on each side. Some people are not knowledgeable about Briggs engineering adjustments for alternator stators. The 2 systems as described above in the web forum work, and mentioned as LOW POWER but useable, as extra energy to the hydrogen, is in the evolved water vapor pressure in combustion chamber.

As another example, The carbon DC current arc in under water cell will generate hydrogen fuel, oxygen, carbon monoxide fuel and is AIDED to be overunity, by the inherent use of Deuterium. Most people don't know that every 1 of 5000 molecules of water is HEAVY WATER , that acts as a catalyst to improve the efficiency of reaction. These electrical power generators are then self running, but owners need to purchase expensive carbon rods.

It's the same thing as the earlier overseas engine overunity conversion of 3 cylinder truck to electrolysis of water cell by aluminum decomposition. The electrical valence of plus 3 is very reactive. The alternator recharges the 40amps 24volts used. The US Patent recommends pure type aluminum wire feeding from roll as to under water sparking against carbon roller, similar to the common welding practice roll wire. Purified aluminum is expensive. There is also Deuterium present in the reaction.
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This update in reference to the 2005-2019 Georgia engine conversions to water, is to clarify further information not generally known. The 2008 Internet photos of the S1R9A9M9 triple wires assembly was a hand winding to show roughly what the original one looked  like, but not with exacting details. The 3 technicians and Nathren did not want all tech information released to the permies. They were not going to show everything. For example, the many AUTO conversions done, had the schematic electrical connections modified so as for us to see about 35v half wave DC from the Inverter box, rather than the original full wave DC to get the 100 volts.
On the lawn mower conversion of 2008,  the ORIGINAL  (2) hand windings  used in summer 2008 You tube videos, , were actually step up and step down autotransformers. What that means is, there has to be a steel core nail, or long steel screw under primary and secondary windings of BOTH. These and other small parts were inside the opaque painted plastic tub on side of Briggs mower engine. You can see Internet picture of the 2008 "ALLOWED" S1R9A9M9  coils assembly, and see 7 turns wire over the 5 turns #12 wire and along with the other 13 turns.. There is no core under 5 and 7 wires.. That would  show an electromagnet only from the 13 turns. To operate the engine like in 2008 You tube videos, it would require ignition high voltage, 10 amps DC , about 100 v DC, magnet field over plug wire, late timing 34 degrees,  and zero ohms spark plug. The same amps creates the field and timing delay, and goes through the spark plug. The dual alternators on Briggs engine only turns on at idle speed RPM. Therefore a separate means is necessary to get a "pulsing" on + off method to make the 3 terminal autotransformers work, without those alternators being on to begin with. The CAR BATTERY as shown, has to run the vibrators first , and when the alternators get up to speed, then BATTERY IS COMPLETLY REMOVED. Each AC alternator can produce only 4 Amps DC  with one diode on each side at a goodly high RPM. The ratio of turns as up or down can still be done with 2-3 amps designed in. The 2 shop people and Nathren's son, were knowledgeable technicians, and did ALL OF THE ELECTRICAL WORK, not the Father Nathren S1R9A9M9 as a non technical person. The other thing was, that it was never explained why the Inverter to 110v AC box was not used on the mower engine, as Briggs 18HP was a 4 cycle engine, just like all the other car engines converted. 4cyl Pinto, 4cyl tractor, 6 cyl car  and (3) V8 car engines.
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Another update regarding the S1R9A9M9 system. I rechecked the bench set up for the "capacitor 70" add on circuit . I got it working to fire spark plug at about 10kv in air. The secondary side was also through 2 FR607 series diodes and  through the anode side, and through a China inductor 2.1millihemry. The Diodes represents 1/2 of a bridge rectifier from a dc power supply. The inductor is used as another required  means for slowing the spark time. The value of PF caps in series increases the spark strength. First ADJUSTABLE spark gap tester fires from initial ignition coil. At same time also charges up the PF caps in series with primary 8 turns 20kv white China cable.on ferrite closed loop core. The other end wire goes to ground. Alltronics UU ferrite core set with measure and cut 1/16" peel and stick rubber to protect windings from the high volts touching metal core. The 2 halves are held together with 2 spring type hose clamps 11mmm center. The secondary was 30 turns  #16 gauge solid hook up wire as it has to carry 6-7-10 amps. (Zero ohms small engine spark plug) As secondary fires, it is supposed to go through the PS 1/2 of bridge rectifier and on it's way through the S1R9A9M9 electromagnet coil, and the L coil and to engine spark plug. The methodology of this circuit is to allow for partial ISOLATION and eliminate the power/energy wasting series protection diodes bank that would be inbetween PS and ignition voltage.A higher PS output voltage needs higher current draw from battery. A lower battery draw is the resultant if using the Capitor70 circuit according to him. You need the internet calculator for L C resonance frequency near 649KHZ .Primary coil as 100 microhenries.  A hand meter for capacitance and inductance is needed. In air, spark gap is 3KV per mm. A Briggs engine has listed as compression increase of 2-5 times higher voltage spark. The low cost China oscilloscope and probe divide by 10,000 allows for measuring the high voltage. DSO 138 and plug in PS ,and Hantek divider probe HT-25. Other items needed as jumper wires, dual set screw wire connectors, fuses / holder, and determination. I am hoping to integrate this new circuit into the original planned S1R9A9M9 final circuit on Briggs engine. (Questions??)
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####Nathren used his triple wire hand wound electromagnet to pass 12DC and SUPERIMPOSED 100v pulse to follow same output to spark plug. He said about 2008, that lawnmower engines would fire spark plugs and actually RUN at electrolysis for forming hydrogen fuel and fire same , for running engines. 6-7-10 amps plus 100 volts was required. His set up did not show any other parts capable of 100v. So,,,,,,, with a bare copper wire at high ignition  voltage with inductance leakage transfer voltage of superimposed 100v across to the 12v line of insulated #16 gauge wire, the amps are AIDED by the 100v transfer? I actually measured this with neon bulbs meter.Several other guys got 100v shocked while holding the 2 insulated wires! The spark plug electrodes are tiny in engine, -  for cell generating hydrogen, but he said that 100 volts was required. He MAY HAVE added an inductor coil to get get flyback volts, but requires extreme short pulse, such as fast switch. The only other option is the "Tab" terminal engine shut off ,underneath coil, on opposite side of the Magnetron ignition. The primary negative minus 130 volts is what runs the secondary of Magnetron. I found out from bench tests, that adding a resistor to terminal, it can be used as source voltage , without shutting off engine. The duty cycle is only 34% on the flywheel. See his engine running at You tube video 1 +2 S1R9A9M9.  Ignition high voltage is a type of AC. See image of s1r coils assembly (electromagnet).

His 1978  V8 car conversion for water to hydrogen, had 110v inverter with series l coil, diode. l coil. diode to plug.  RADIANT ENERGY pulse from the abrupt turn on of diode after high volts pressed EXACTLY on cathode in between coils, diode off, and released back to spark plug, when diode back on. !!!
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Can radiant energy pass THROUGH a spark gap and on through series circuit , if it's in a small vacuum chamber? There is way less dissipation into ambient air, and the energy may be useful downstream. In 2005-2008,  A sealed extreme high efficient vacuum dual coils relay , as originally for a electrical 60 cycles signals  pole box, was used with engine experiments, to generate more efficient hydrogen gas from water. The engines would run with spark plug electrolysis, but only with the special relays applied to pass both high voltage and 7amps current! (not used for a relay purpose, but for contacts, diodes and inductors)  I recently built one with Carlon sealable 4" box, vacuum gauge, valve, and Tesla spark gap with magnets, diodes, cap and hand vacuum pumper tool. Not tested yet.
See one of Nathren's / S1R  engines running,- S1R9A9M9 You tube videos 1+2.  It was started with battery. Battery disconnected. Engine ran on the 12 magnet alternator , - self running sustained with 10amp draw. The 4 technicians called them "The Magic Relays".
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If you haven't seen these movies, then you should plan on searching for them soon. ------(1)  Free For All 1949 with Bob Cummings and might be on Youtube- based on true story from 1935, (2) Mythbusters episode DVD called Exploding Pants-contains the fake on purpose setup of car engine to run on hydrogen from water cell, (3) The Water Engine 1992, (4) Chain Reaction 1996 about Cold Fusion Energy, (5) documentary called It Runs On Water, (6) The (2) You tube videos by S1R9A9M9 in summer 2008 of Briggs self running, 18HP mower engine conversion of water in carb to spark plug electrolysis with 10amps DC current, late timing, electromagnet field over plug wire and piston firing from power of Hydrogen gas and water vapor pressure same time.  Battery was removed, engine runs on the dual alternator output after starting, with  12 magnets under flywheel. (parts in plastic tub on side of engine with wires)
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I just wanted you to understand here about this 100v as another added in requirement for the Briggs water engine. The original web forum in Georgia started with the car engine conversions and the paragraph was about the car engine fender test (60turns coil test). 60 turns wire over steel core and also on the heavy THICK insulation of car plug wire. 12v DC through coil to series amp gauge reads 20 amps to an electrical load. When high volts fires, it induces reactance ohms into coil that reduces the current to 12 amps. (on + off 20 to 12A) There was no statement as to why it was done. We also know that there is about 100 volts induced into the low volts line. Now,,,,, on the mower engine, the S1R9A9M9  triple coils electromagnet has BARE copper wire that induces 100v into regular insulated hook up wire. Because of no insulation, the other coil is NOW ONLY 6-7 turns. I meter measured this several times with high volts pulses, and we always get about 100v transfer leakage induction with less or just some insulation. The Bare does occasionally short, regular insulation also occasionally shorts, 30kv insulation has no transfer, I am now using 10kv China white cable for tests and it should give 100v. This may be how the 3 tech people got their 100v on 4cyl tractor,  4cyl, 6cyl, (2) v8 cars, v8 engine stand, mower engine, and with diodes added, for the tiny electrodes for spark plug DC electrolysis. Either that, or a 2nd separate wound transformer was used as earlier mentioned.
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Nathren and the 3 tech people in Georgia , 2005-2019, used the brand name (Power On Board), for the 3 types of inverters they used.  750Watt, 400Watt and I just ordered the other one called 150W as the plug in types for cigarette lighter.( DC to 120v AC) The small one may be important because,, with the outer plastic casing removed, The switching transistor circuit would FIT INSIDE the plastic deli tub on side of Briggs 18HP. Remember, 100 volts is also required to add to the low voltage main power and 6-10 amps, as going to spark plug along with the high voltage. There is a starting mode where flywheel turns slowly, and engine idling mode at faster RPMS. At both modes , the 100v is required and as DC with bridge rectification. Series current limiter resistor also put in, as it is not the main power source.
My other idea was to hook up a tiny PC Board type miniature relay with 2 sets of contacts, with 12v DC coil, to act as a vibrator with capacitor added. Nathren had said in the web forum, that there was no capacitor in his circuit! He however, being non-technical person , may have meant "condenser" , as a play on words! Sen me your comments and questions. I will try to keep you updated.
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The 2 insulated wires used in the S1R coils assembly were taken by Nathren from a used harness of riding lawn mower chassis. This is the exact same. I know, since I bought the Briggs harness for reference. #14 gauge insulated stranded wires as red and Gray. He even mounted a USED steel nail, as it was bent. (see photo). My contention is still, that the joint on the S1r coils had 3 wires together. When Nathren tore off the 3rd wire to take unit in house for picture, he used knife instead of proper "wire stripper cutter". The proper tool makes a clean straight cut, not leaving frayed copper wire ends exposed. You must refer again - see-  the blow-up photo and see the angle BACKWARDS of "folded" Gray + red colored wires. The 3rd one sticks straight out frayed . The thickness of the tape wrapping is also too large also for just 2 wires. When the other take apart video started , he placed unit on table , as same one with BENT nail. The joint was changed beforehand , so as the public would not see the 3rd stub wire fall out during the take apart video.

The other notion had to do with him saying that the Inverter box could not be used with the S1r coils. It would just bog down and quit. That there assumes he had already tested the Inverter on the Briggs engine. He just LEFT the Inverter disconnected and the extension cord ,in the background of the 2 videos , instead of removing them before hand. The brown extension cord as a "Y" is also there connected to ground. The cord would act as a very LONG wire when you bridge together the male plug end with wire jumper or metal piece. I spent a very long time on this stuff. This hook up with extension cord is same as was used on all the car engines. Return line direct to ground under spark plug, not through an engine casting. - Helps with the time in milliseconds and lower resistance.
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I was on the roof yesterday repairing some gutters as a thunderstorm approached. It was muggy and I could feel how the air was really full of water. That got me thinking about lightning, which is a big old spark, and the energy it represents, and how it interacts (or doesn't) with water in the air. And that led me to wonder yet again about this "water engine" conundrum.

There is something about all of this that I still struggle to understand. Let's just say, for the sake of discussion, that it is possible to get more energy from combusting the hydrogen in water than it takes to split water molecules (we all know that it isn't, but I just want to engage in a thought experiment here).

So, you've introduced air and water droplets into the combustion chamber of an engine. The water droplets are well dispersed all around the volume of the cylinder. The piston compresses the mixture and at or near top dead center a spark is fired.

According to what I am trying to glean from all of this stuff that's been posted in this thread, the spark manages to split (some? all?) water molecules it encounters into free hydrogen and oxygen molecules. But that is only happening in the spark's path of travel across the plug gap. That's a really tiny fraction of all the water molecules in the chamber. So they're not getting electrolysed, and all that potential is wasted.

So what actually happens? If there was some sort of chain reaction that meant electrolysis could expand beyond the zone of the spark gap itself, then a bolt of lightning in humid air would unleash an explosion that could wipe out a city. That would be hard to manage.
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the several statements made by Nathren and Nathren's son Nathren, is that all earlier CONVERTED car engines were readjusted for timing to  A T D C   to about negative 34 degrees , as that approximate point allowed the engines to run smoother and  provided water vapor pressure as a secondary force on piston, as generated at the lower end of piston travel. On the 18HP mower engine , the 13 turns wire over steel core section WITH the cable,  as electromagnet provided magnetic field on the high volts cable and caused the spark time to be extended in milliseconds. He said to add more or less turns , so as to get the best setting for running engine. My own improvement design over his S1R9A9M9 coils assembly was to make the adjustment variable by varying amount of core under #14 wire + cable, as a pull handle. (Like turning loosened distributor on car engine) Hydrogen gas used in standard engine requires way late timing . I also increased the number of turns as per ratio change required, when changing from original 10 A current to 6 A current, to maintain the same magnetic field level. . Car engines are 4 cycle as well as the Briggs engine, but it has waste spark cycle that does no harm to a running engine.
Each engine will run slightly different and a blanket statement cannot be made, as they all will require adjustment in different timing points. Nathren had made statement as to the available special degrees flywheel keys as used for different timing on Briggs engines. They all , however, are only for the small Briggs animal racing engine flywheels. I don't think he knew that. The Georgia technicians did not modify Briggs factory timing, other than adding magnetic field. I just assumed they were too lazy to machine a curved aluminum , slotted, mounting plate for Magnetron, as for being adjustable timing thereafter with screws and nuts repositioning.
I am presently testing my latest S1R coils as 10kv cable included, rather than bare wire or insulated hook up wire, or 30Kv cable,  so as for getting a constant recurring 100v leakage transfer without shorting. The wooden flywheel arrangement with Briggs ignition works well with series inductor coil and diodes. Later, I will blend in DC current to spark plug with water solution and protective diodes section. The water solution presents ohms resistance and would raise up the input voltage required, as also tiny electrodes.

One of the original web forum paragraphs by Nathren , said in broken words, that there were other parts than the S1R coils in the plastic tub on side of mower engine!!! This was when he and son stopped saying anything more their set up as too much attention was received, and non-knowledgeable people had gotten hurt trying to duplicate his engine set up.

When the man, "Smack ",  showed up, at his property after 1000 miles driving, the episode was on video tape and we could see what was going on. The wiring on failed running 18HP was not done the same as during the 2 successful You tube videos of 2008.

The Nathren back porch engine test was wrong also, as he was attempting to run engine with S1R coil as in induction type mode,- not with current output going direct to spark plug as needed. In one of the published answers to people's questions, way back in time, he said the output 12v current wire WAS CONNECTED to spark plug . (not repeated again)
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Phil Stevens wrote:
So what actually happens? If there was some sort of chain reaction that meant electrolysis could expand beyond the zone of the spark gap itself, then a bolt of lightning in humid air would unleash an explosion that could wipe out a city. That would be hard to manage.

As long as I'm asking questions, I have a followup: The spark across the gap is hypothetically breaking the H-O bonds to create free hydrogen and oxygen in the combustion chamber. When it does this, it loses all of its energy and is no longer a spark. What ignites the mixture now that the spark is gone?

Just some really basic stuff here. If you can give us a little bit to go on I'm sure we can fill in the gaps with some good search engine queries and find out what is making this work. Help a brother out.
Russ Rob
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2008 S1R9A9M9 Georgia Water Engine

I have some more tech data for you to consume. See also sheet Inverter output described by A I.
I finally figured out why the green 400watt Inverter was not used. It was used OK on all previous car engines. Statement said it bogged down and quit as the attempt on operating Briggs 18HP. The You tube videos showed unit in background only,  unconnected with clips on ground. It was placed there to mislead permies. The engine started and ran in both videos. Previous MULTI CYLINDERS engines had used majority of wattage from 400W Inverter. The one cylinder mower engine required less watts power. The tech people used the brand power on board for 750W and 400W inverters. A  MUCH SMALLER SIZE INVERTER FOR 110V AC WAS PURCHASED JUST FOR THE VIDEOS.  The way "small" box fits in rear hole of cement block during the demonstrations. The 400W box does not!! The engine vertical shaft is in same hole rotating with great clearance from box.  (box 3.3" X 3.3"300Watts)  (They could of put the larger Inverter box in depression at ground level with cement block on top.) The demonstrations were  keeping people from knowing all. Parts were not exposed. Parts were purposely kept in sealed plastic tub and also spray painted to keep eyes out. The Inverter pre made, allows the required 100 volts , due to the tiny electrodes of spark plug. The 10 amps initially came from car battery, then once engine running idle, battery removed, then the double alternators took over to run the conversion circuit.
Dual alternators with just full wave rectification , without voltage regulator, provides higher volts and about 14.5 amps output capability.
Here goes-- The positive battery cable clip touches starter terminal to run starter motor. Separate wire is also there going behind engine through diode. The input to inverter in cement hole, attaches to cathode side of diode. The diode prevents alternator from running starter. The alternator DC runs Inverter also, when battery removed.
The S1R9A9M9 electromagnet provided magnetic field over ignition cable ( bare copper section) to form late timing from zero to about minus 34 degrees. The amps came from battery, then alternator DC at idle speed. Resistor in tub to limit current for S1R coils. The plastic tub connections needed for ground came from the exterior extension cord that was modified for extra long single wire to ground , and jumping the male end plug.
The S1R coils is 100% on all the time to keep magnetic field at spark plug in-between firings. The power pulses to spark plug is on + off about 34% for ON duty cycle. (Flywheel going around 360 degrees)
Plastic covered tub on side of Briggs engine contains S1r coils electromagnet, resistor, bridge rectifier for dual alternators, bridge rectifier for Inverter output, wire connectors, accessory spark gap, and wire joint putting output amps together with high volts going to modified zero ohms Champion spark plug.
All previous car engines had 2 spark gaps in main circuit. The distributor rotor firing gap and spark plug gap. It helps to insure the plug fires rather than misfire.
Mineral water was used for running mower engine with salt added  that came from creek on the Georgia property.
The dangerous ignition high voltage was on car battery only during the starting mode. (No series diodes protection bank)
I was stalled, hung up , for long time on the 100volts source, power current  means, difference between peak and average current, and higher high ignition volts.
I found it greatly interesting to use the old style large clip clip board with mechanical pencil/eraser, printer blank paper, to form diagrams and notes over long period of time . I have many titled folders on different subjects related to the S1r project.  (half cup of coffee helps)
I will later be working on separate circuit to remove the waste spark cycle of Briggs engine. one and zero up counter IC and reset using Hall Effect sensor.
Your comments will be appreciated.

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A I computer descriptions of 10 A or 7A  for comparison of Oscilloscope current PEAK PULSE DC reading , as to hand multimeter AVERAGE DC current reading. This is important when purchasing DC to AC Inverter box , and adding full wave rectifier to get about 110v DC at certain current level capable of the Inverter. There is also listing of SURGE current that a load will take , temporarily only, at low duty cycle, then reverts back to average current. The water engine conversions done in Georgia 2005-2019 had used Inverter 400Watt box for the 4cyl, 6cyl, +8cyl engines . The summer 2008 You tube(2)  videos of S1R9A9M9 had the green 400W box in background but UNCONNECTED- not used. They said 10 amps passed through spark plug. Now they had used scope with probe to get voltage readings. That 10 amp was not really what was happening. It was the lower 2.2Amp that was creating Hydrogen Gas and water vapor pressure , running the Briggs 18HP mower engine at idle speed. After battery start, battery removed, and engine ran on the onboard double alternators. They said the 400W Inverter couldn't be used as it bogged down. WRONG!!! All the previous engines had drawn way higher watts using same box. The 1 cylinder engine was also a 4 cycle, and would draw way less power! The tech people hid info on their conversion on mower engine. The way SMALLER watts box was hidden in hole of cement block with wires . They also neglected to say AVERAGE current DC applied to the conversion. People tinkering with electrical circuits should know the difference between Peak and Average current DC . I had originally thought wrong about measurements of DC current , and figured others should also have this data. Watts = I X E    R X I = voltage required.
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[Thumbnail for AICURRENTSScan.jpg]
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It's my current assumption that the conversion circuit of S1R9A9M9 2008 lawn mower water engine 18HP on You tube videos, had used a hidden "small dimension size" Inverter box, about 300-500watts , that was INSIDE the rear hole of cement block with engine on top . Plenty of clearance also for the vertical rotating crankshaft. The other parts were hidden in sealed, painted plastic tub , hanging on side of engine. we could see. Therefore, the Inverter power source was hidden also, so as after the battery was completely disconnected, the engine conversion circuit ran off of the alternator installed under the flywheel. The Briggs stator of yellow+ yellow wires is capable of 20amps dc current. The ignition only operates during about 34% of flywheel turning, so as the wattage from Inverter box is reduced by 34% also. So as current delivered in DC pulses was 6-7-10 amps DC., The hidden Inverter box was being operated in the upper region called "SURGE current" which these boxes are capable of. The pure sine wave type output  boxes give much higher surge currents, than the modified sine wave type which is square wave pulses waveform  on an oscilloscope. Remember the significance of the very low duty cycle. So now you know. The 400watt green Inverter shown in videos,was not used-, not hooked up,  not because it couldn't run the engine, but because it was too big to hide in cement block. The conversion circuit required about 100 volts and current same time. The other S1R9A9M9 electromagnet provided the magnetic field to change the timing to extend to negative late timing, and also provide required field for the tips of spark plug. The high voltage cable hooked to the heavy current same time as going to the zero ohms spark plug. Hydrogen gas evolved and fired along with generation of water vapor pressure.
7amps X 110v  = 770watts  times .34 duty cycle flywheel usage, = 260 watts or less drawn power , plus the electromagnet current . Both draws are capable of the on board changed alternator. The black+ black wires Briggs alternator is the exact same low ohms as the yellow yellow. Just get the cheapest one. The 500W pure sine wave Inverter is about $40 called LVYUAN painted blue color. from US EBay shipping.    Outer size 3.75" wide by 7.8" depth - IT FITS very loose in cement block, or 300W red LVYUAN 3 1/4" by 3 1/4" size.
russ Robertson
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There are options when selecting a replacement ignition coil (Magnetron) for the mower engine. I was interested in changing over to positive high voltage rather than normal negative high voltage. There are a couple reasons. When tinkering with small engine for alternate uses/ fuels, There are high voltage shocks received when connecting parts such as resistor, capacitor, L coil, to engine ground. The spark plug refuses to fire, and bypasses to go up another line such as parts. During that time we get shocks from the engine. Also, when using the original old style Magneto as just a plain transformer before 1982, you can put it upside down on engine bracket and get positive high volts, but at away reduced level. You don't get up to 15kv anymore. The Autotransformers normally have the primary coil hooked directly with secondary side. The full secondary is normally primary + secondary in a negative "mode" Less wire is used in the positive mode.

Now then, there actually is a better way to get positive type high voltage at FULL VALUE VOLTS! If your Briggs engine is a one cylinder type, you can purchase a modern replacement Magnetron with DOUBLE CABLES. The secondary side is not connected with primary. When used on the twin cylinder engines, each spark plug gets different type power. Negative on one side and positive on other cylinder. Also, if you get the most modern type dual cables Magnetron, it will have the better type built in UNIVERSAL type trigger , rather than the Briggs brand trigger. Engine will fire at a lower RPM of flywheel , just like in the "olden days". Just hook the negative cable to ground and the positive cable to spark plug. Compare the photos of armature Magnetrons on Ebay to see the difference.
Russ Rob
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2008 Mower engine ran on salt water.

Closing in on the final conversion electrical circuit as used during the successful demonstrations 18HP Briggs on YouTube. The hand wired S1R9A9M9 electromagnet on 10amps provided magnetic field to spark plug gap and OVER the plug wire to readjust the engine timing to late timing ATDC. The duty cycle of on time was for the current pulse through spark plug of needed 7amps PEAK.

There was a separate Inverter box of about 300watts that provided the current at 110v DC to fire plug. Use was about only 150 watts, due to the low duty cycle. Average value of current on hand meter would be about 2 amps, for the 10amps peak. The box was hidden in rear hole of cement block with engine shaft. (plenty of clearance.) Other parts hidden in sealed plastic tub on side of engine.

The car battery operated starter motor and also the electrical conversion circuit. Battery removed. The modified Briggs alternator with flywheel with the larger type magnets would provide max 20amps as divided between the electromagnet and inverter box primary side. Engine then ran fully on alternator permanent magnets at idle RPM . Can use black + black wires stator or yellow + yellow stator as are both Exact same construction. Hydrogen gas evolved and fired with also water vapor pressure that runs the piston. See S1R9A9M9 videos 1 + 2. Questions?
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My main concern is the Briggs mower engine of 2008. The car conversion circuit was already given and told about the 400W Inverter to 110v AC. There was an absolute need for 100volts to spark plugs. The circuit for all car engines used same Inverter. The drawing showed about 35 Volts DC based on half wave rectification.( About 34% of transformer 110vac output) Power flowed through several diodes and 2 Inductor coils before plugs. (Relays per cylinder) All they did was change away from full wave rectification 110v FOR general permies, so circuit would not work. All the rest was OK!

I had fully determined the interior of vacuumed relay with Inductors as 1.75mh as 21 gauge wire, .6ohm each. Wound 3/4" by 1 3/4" each of (2)

The lawn mower plastic tub of parts was painted - covered. Therefore, the Briggs 18HP needed a HIDDEN INVERTER BOX as smaller! I measured 300W box as fits in hole of cement block with way clearance for main engine shaft. I already showed you the wires for the Briggs conversion going into and out of plastic tub to spark plug and the source means for a ground wire.

I was wrong about the tap stub extra wire on S1R coils. See.... I can admit it! Only 2 wire ends used, and hooked to ground through resistor as electromagnet only , and on all the time for magnetic field. Separate power from battery, then alternator DC. 12v.

I am presently doing formulas with computer Chatgpt for on time spark plug milliseconds, and duty cycle, as referenced to the total power draw from source alternator as divided between the S1R electromagnet and Inverter 12vdc input. Max 20 amps total, as the Briggs 18HP was self powered by the yellow+yellow wires alternator 12 permanent magnets, hydrogen generated and fired, and water vapor pressure. (Spark plug electrolysis)

I need you to question me about certain datas related to S1R project so we can be at the same level. Because we are not. Do you understand about the special relays used on cars and unusual way how they were used? THE RELAY SIZE DOES FIT IN THE PLASTIC TUB! Did you see the wires on the Briggs engine? Did you see that only 13 turns of S1R coil is electromagnet because of underneath steel core? The number of turns of core section determines the duty cycle of pulse firing ON TIME. Nathren told us to vary as per best engine setting. You must also see 2 types of Briggs flywheel magnets as large and small regular as seen on Ebay. Mine purchased used as large magnets (more power) from 16HP engine. You can see the difference in size and distance between magnets is different.

I did highly accurate test on the 2 highest rated Briggs plastic Ring stators and they are EXACTLY THE SAME. BLK + BLK wires or Yel + Yel wires. 20amp rated as used with large magnets.
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I'm changing my methodology of hook up to my 12HP mower engine. Instead of designing for full 20A alternator output to run the conversion circuit, I am changing over to bench "power source"

to run main circuit with the under the wooded bench engine vertical shaft for car 52A alternator , belts and pulley, to recharge 12v mower battery. This method fully allows no shorting-

electrical problem of Inverter box ground and battery ground. This is what hindered many people before, and I want a better chance of instant running of water engine when 1st started.

Project has taken too long.

Return line to Inverter hooks to wire and spring steel retainer clip on bottom of spark plug , just like from Georgia engines converted. One ohm power resistor in line for use with

oscilloscope to monitor and adjust current flow.The way to do this is with smaller Briggs engine that has flywheel with ALUMINUM ring gear. The matching starter motor will have PLASTIC

16tooth small gear. Starter is mounted  with 2 black nylon plastic 8MM bolts 12mmm long with 2 plastic nylon washers. This insulates starter from engine block fully, when Inverter is

activated. Slight distance change inbetween the 2 gears. Ground cable attaches to starter housing.

Method is had by changing old armature Magnetron to the most modern Magnetron with dual cables, modern universal built in trigger , not Briggs type, so that Magnetron is NOT an

autotransformer. (Separate secondary side) The ignition process is self contained without using BATTERY ground, as power is from one magnet on outside of flywheel.
Main power source is PURE SINE WAVE ONLY Inverter similar to Lvyuan 500W Blue box with MORE available SURGE currents, to get 7amp pulses through spark plug. The most common modified sine

wave type boxes do not give much higher surge current. Bridge rectifier and filter capacitor gives proper DC output.

What I'm talking about is the instants when the battery ground is normally at bottom of spark plug, and Inverter power jumps gap and connects with ground within the 0 to 34 degrees ignition

ON TIME, and repeated. This is also why a common boost converter or regular bench power supply can't be used. Inverter only with separate secondary side, they come in high frequency and

also 60 cycles.The 2008 2 videos had the dangerous negative high voltage on the car battery during the starting mode.

The S1R9A9M9 electromagnet allows high volts to go straight through without problem with the 12vDC line. I use 10KV white china cable to stop all shorts along with #16 gauge solid insulated

wire for the 12 + 23 turns, with adjustable pull core for magnetic field inside vinyl tube center. The series adjustable power resistor allows change in input 6A battery current for the

field adjustment. This will change the pulse on time of high voltage so as more contact time of Inverter current with the water solution.  

Photo included today is gadget for testing firing of hydrogen by popping off end PCV cap as press fit. Baking soda/water solution put on plug terminals . The outer ground lug is cut off for

wide gap, and allowing blast to go straight out. Stainless steel marine spark plug is sealed in with epoxy at one end. Ignition white cable return line is screwed to plug base through

plastic shell.
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I put together another handmade S1R9A9M9 electromagnet for use with Four amps current. My last other one was for 6 amps with different windings. The now current one is exactly like the original as per unusual winding method and like Megatran, with same original count of turns. Red white and blue just like our flag. It has variable inductance with pull core. Another one of my improvements. Nathren said a set up needed about 15 amps total. That would include the "smaller"  Inverter input 11 Amps + 4 Amps electromagnet. Ohms law step up transformer voltage ratio 1:10 as same as increase of input side power current. This was assuming the dual alternators type was not changed on his 18HP Briggs. He told me directly that his engine DIDN"T HAVE AN ALTERNATOR! All riding lawnmower engines have an alternator. He said he bought it new just for the 2008 videos to make. I saw lots of grime, dirt/dust on it in close up photos from years of use. The dual alternators type with red + black wires with bridge rectifier added to both sides produces about 15 volts DC at about 15 amps max capability.  PEAK current on bench oscilloscope set circuit as 7 amps, with proper resistance in series, with AVERAGE current over full cycle time as about 1.3amps at low duty cycle.     See photo electromagnet.

Later today, I also mounted a new starter motor on project Briggs 12HP engine. It was electrically insulated from engine block with plastic bolts and plastic washers. The battery ground cable mounted onto starter only. Separate needed connections will go on 2 mounted brass bus strips for plus and minus of battery wires power as needed. The Inverter box secondary side firing to spark plug will never burn out as shorted to battery through spark plug ground, as per many other people's previous disasters. The flywheel has proper MATCHING aluminum ring gear, along with proper MATCHING PLASTIC starter motor small gear. Plastic gear during contact cannot make any electrical connection. Verified with ohmmeter.  I'm always pushing forward.

I am also putting together P.W.M. so as can vary the output of Inverter final DC and KEEPING PEAK VOLTAGE THE SAME, while varying the current , wattage, and duty cycle on time. The 100 volts is necessary for the tiny electrodes of zero ohms spark plug. I didn't want to get into capacitor discharges , since they go in the realm of microseconds, not required milliseconds of spark plug.
Sometime I will rewrite my poor drawings schematic diagram and send copy,  so as you can see my judgments for final circuit. It includes many diodes and 2 Dayton brand modified Inductors for 1.75millihenries. I also have for later tests, the 2 vacuum chambers hand made of magnets, spark gap, diodes and inductors.
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18HP Briggs riding lawnmower Engine ran on water in carb, summer 2008 in Georgia.. See You tube videos 1 + 2. S1R9A9M9. Spark plug electrolysis. Battery supplied temporary current to conversion wires, then battery removed, The alternator under flywheel runs on 12 magnets. About 15 amps total divided up to about 4 amps electromagnet over plug wire, with about 11 amps to inverter box for 110v AC changed to full wave DC. 300W Box hidden in hole of cement block. The plastic tub on side of engine has small parts There was also an inductor about 2millihenry in series with plug. Spark plug Champion with resistor removed for zero ohms resistance. Peak current about 7 amp at about 15% duty cycle on time , which is about 1.2Amp average current on small meter. Flywheel with outer ignition magnet goes around 360 degrees. ATDC past zero for late timing allowed from electromagnet . His 1978 car V8 conversion got 18MPG. Don't allow battery ground and inverter ground to connect. Can insulate starter from casting with plastic bolts and washers. SMALL Hydrogen gas generated along with water vapor pressure to push piston.
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Waste Spark Removal Briggs Mower Engine For Hydrogen Conversions

I completed building the circuit for eliminating waste spark. It's the plug in bread board type, not soldered. It's easier to make adjustments later. Two photos for you today. I have handful of different magnet Hall sensors to try out and see which one should be used on engine with NORTH pole. Some of them are industrial with cables. Three wire type as +Vcc , grnd, and signal out. Most Halls are used for South pole reception.  You have to bend over the Hall for the rear side use, or reverse, and mount with bracket. I will use hand movable magnet north pole only for first tests. Then to switch over to my revolving wooden bench flywheel with magnet , Magnetron, and spark plug. First yellow Led is first state (Fire) , the red Led is 2nd state with relay switch on that shorts ignition to ground BEFORE magnet reaches T.D.C.  Then next passing point is reset back to first state fire. The other guy on Youtube who built his soldered type circuit years ago has my same name Russell. His board is similar to mine - not copied. I designed it myself. Plastic board put in miniature vise with strong lamp and use needle nose pliers. With 9v battery use, I design small circuits with 2 ma type, .002A led's. Most Led's are 20ma  .020A. The battery lasts longer, but those are expensive and are special order. You just change the resistors. Of course, 2 batteries can be put in parallel for more time. Yes, I'm still working on the S1R9A9M9 system.  'Questions?
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Nathren talks about use of the "magic relays" as associated with the 400Watt Inverter DC output to spark plugs. The car engines, - 4, 6, and 8cyl engines all use one dual coils relay per cylinder. Sealed Bakelite relay is under vacuum with many sets of internal contacts.  It has to do with interference with timing of ground connections under use. I originally thought it had to do with generation of 100v back EMF to add to system. Now of course, it means the original circuit diagram was wrong, - needs full wave DC 110v not half wave DC of 35v DC.
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