Jake white wrote:I just raised 25 cornish cross birds on a corn free soy free diet. We processed them after 8 weeks and they averaged about 4.5 lbs per bird. They also tasted delicious. This was my first time raising them. And they definitely poop a lot. But moving the tractor twice a day seemed to help a lot. My experience was overall a good one. I am no expert but not sure why all the hate?
Welcome to permies, Jake. Our feed is also corn and soya free and we also use a tractor system, so I do think that is a big part of having a better experience with the cornish cross. I would watch them eating the grass and bugs, so I knew that in the right conditions, they aren't as bad as some people's experiences.
We have a people sized portable
shelter where they spend the night (high predator load, and this shelter has electric fencing on the outside). We have dog exercise pens sections which make an expanded daytime run area. During the day, we leave the feed inside, but we put their
water at the far end of the outside run. This noticeably increases the amount of exercise they get, which I think makes the meat denser. The daily fresh grass they eat, I think makes the meat taste better. Their fat often has a slight yellow tinge, which I understand is the healthy influence of the greens they eat.
We are raising them for typical suburban customers. They tell us they taste much better than grocery store birds, but I'm not sure that many of them would be up to eating some of the young roosters I've processed for our consumption that were from layer breeds that went broody. I also suspect that people who are used to eating wild meats like venison, would be more willing to eat chicken that was further from "typical grocery store" meat.