Len Ovens wrote:I have been reading through many things on wood gasification. It is hard to find anything on a wood gasification/furnace combination. That is, most projects are about producing gas (surprise, surprise) and seem to emphasize speed of production. A truck, for example, needs to generate gas at a continuous rate for 30 to 50 hp. These projects are also worried about "clean" gas because of valves etc. The only biomass to heat projects I have seen are small cookers made from tin cans (there are commercial "fireplaces" out there, but not very informative). Again, these are fast burn applications. Get hot fast, cook the food, done, kinds of things. I want the gasification to take a long time, 24 hours would make me happy, 12 hours is ok. So the purpose of using gasification is strictly to slow the burn process down... though it may also provide somewhat better controllability.
I am thinking a top down burn may help. The problem as I see it, is that the fuel has to be heated to 450 for full gasification and that even without air, all the fuel will be heated at the same time releasing gas, the high heat end will have to deal with this gas all the time. Either it will burn it all or not depending on the air supply, but we want it to burn clean so the hot end gets all the air it needs. The gas end therefore has to control the final output (just thinking things though as I go), but the gas end also has to maintain a minimum temperature or it will go out. I am thinking that the primary air can be regulated to control the output heat, but there are two conflicting needs. The primary side has to be hot enough not to go out while at the same time holding enough fuel to last a long time. The "Kimberly" wood stove lasts for 8 hours on a load, which is pretty good... but it does include a catalytic converter so the burn may not be total (or it may just be to keep EPA happy).
To decrease the amount of actual burning in the primary section, insulation would keep the temperature high without burning as much, but mass would keep gas generation faster too. I am thinking that dividing the fuel into zones may be more effective. This is why I am thinking of a top down approach. If the fuel is a well insulated column and only burns/gasifies at the top of that column, as the fuel is used the "top of the column" moves down to fresh fuel. The fuel has some insulating effect so there can be temperature stratification. I don't know if it is best to feed air from the top or bottom in this case, but if the air feed is forced, then I think blowing from the top in a downward direction would be best. I was thinking it would be cooler and heavier, but it may be prewarmed to work best and to make the best use of the heat generated so I don't know if this would be best. In the long run, it may be better to not preheat the air if a longer burn time can be achieved and excess heat at the flue end can always be put into mass for storage. My thought with air introduced at the bottom is that the burn front may move down faster. This may not be a problem if the burn rate can be controlled by the width and depth of the fuel column.
The secondary burn would still be much the same. Whatever fuel gas reaches would have preheated air introduced in large enough quantity to fully burn the gas cleanly. Insulation would still be important and mass may be helpful too. Mass would be a lot less than used in a mass style heater because the burn rate is being slowed down instead. So this same idea could be used by those who want an efficient wood burning heater for their small cabin, but do not have the room for a cob bench or a ton of bricks.
Anyway, these are some thoughts I had. I don't know how many are valid. Is there something I can look at that deals with long burn times in gasification?
Marcos Buenijo wrote:
In my opinion, the answer can be found by examining the operation of TLUDs.
I believe this process can be maintained in the following way: First, imagine a simple updraft gasifier furnace like the Wood Gas Camp Stove (one of the stoves I used). Plug the secondary air holes, add a sealed hopper to the top, insulate the base of the unit heavily, then add an insulated combustion chamber to the side of the unit at about the same level as the primary air holes.
The wood stored in the hopper above the base cannot be consumed because all primary air is consumed at the base, and all the hot gases are shunted directly over to the combustion chamber since the top of the hopper is sealed. Control the primary air, and you will control the production of wood gas and the resulting burn rate (assuming you provide enough air for secondary combustion).
Len Ovens wrote:I had to look TLUD up, but yes those are the ones I have seen used as cook stoves... that have been natural drafted to burn very quick and were generally less easy to control than the rocket stove, but required less attention than the rocket too. cooking requires lots of attention anyway, so I don't know how bad/good that is.
The forced air furnaces made by SilverFire (http://www.silverfire.us/silverfire-super-dragon) looks like the same thing with fans and control. I like it... for cooking but it would need more attention than I want in a steam genset.
Len Ovens wrote:I like the idea of a sealed top feeding hopper (after all it is my idea... or at least I have also had it), in fact I used it to feed a rocket. The main thing I don't like about the rocket mass heater is the required attention to the burn process. My findings with this.... are that even with no air, the batch of fuel above the air intake still gets hot (really hot) because the heat from the burn area rises. Mine was not insulated which kept it a little cooler but it was still warm enough that the wood inside, a 4x4 as happens, started to gasify just from the heat. There was tar dripping from the fuel down the inside of the feed hopper (I actually called it a "Cartridge" because I felt I could have more than one prefilled fuel and switch them over when one was empty) The tar was not a problem and just burned up when it fell to the fire, but from my reading about gasification I am guessing I was also producing CH4 and possibly hydrogen gas (though not CO except from the little bit of air that was in there originally, but at least this CO would settle downwards while the ch4 would rise and collect) which while not a problem outside where I was, might be a problem inside if the design is not careful to make sure the seal continues to below the combustion line or at least that all gases end up going through the secondary burner. If this sealed hopper was even opened to add fuel from the top these gases could flash, scorching the person adding fuel.
Len Ovens wrote:This is why I felt having the fuel at the bottom and burning just the top of the fuel at any one time would be better, though I said bring the forced air in from the top, I was still thinking updraft operation. My problem was how to have the air supply follow the gassing part (the top) of the fuel as it burned down. The obvious solution of feeding air from the bottom would move the burn front down faster too. I really do want a long burn time on one load. You may be right that big wood chunks is the way to go. Certainly all of the demos I have seen have used relatively small wood pieces... even the Kimerly has only a small firebox for 8 hours and expects smaller wood (3in dia max or so). Also their fire box is not very deep, they want the secondary burner to take most of the unit so the flame can be fully contained and the heat up the flue is minimized.
Marcos Buenijo wrote:
Len Ovens wrote:I like the idea of a sealed top feeding hopper (after all it is my idea... or at least I have also had it), in fact I used it to feed a rocket. The main thing I don't like about the rocket mass heater is the required attention to the burn process. My findings with this.... are that even with no air, the batch of fuel above the air intake still gets hot (really hot) because the heat from the burn area rises. Mine was not insulated which kept it a little cooler but it was still warm enough that the wood inside, a 4x4 as happens, started to gasify just from the heat. There was tar dripping from the fuel down the inside of the feed hopper (I actually called it a "Cartridge" because I felt I could have more than one prefilled fuel and switch them over when one was empty) The tar was not a problem and just burned up when it fell to the fire, but from my reading about gasification I am guessing I was also producing CH4 and possibly hydrogen gas (though not CO except from the little bit of air that was in there originally, but at least this CO would settle downwards while the ch4 would rise and collect) which while not a problem outside where I was, might be a problem inside if the design is not careful to make sure the seal continues to below the combustion line or at least that all gases end up going through the secondary burner. If this sealed hopper was even opened to add fuel from the top these gases could flash, scorching the person adding fuel.
The tars would have been vaporized in a gasifier design. The combination of no insulation and high air flow rate (rocket furnaces supply both primary and secondary air via the same path) allowed a cool area to condense the tars.
I'll describe some details of the design I considered. It's not a TLUD. The reason I referenced the TLUD is because a forced air TLUD shows that combustion rate in a gasifier furnace is determined by primary air flow rate. What I want to do is provide a highly insulated furnace base with a sealed hopper. A grate and shallow ash pan is provided. I would start my system by igniting the fuel at the grate by placing starter material (like paper) in the ash pan, starting the blower fan, igniting the paper, then shutting the access port to the ash pan. The grate is to be made of multiple parallel lengths of black iron pipe capped at one end and connected to a header at the other. The blower fan supplies air into the header, and the bottom of the pipes have small holes drilled along their lengths. The purpose of putting the holes at the bottom is to keep ash and char out of the holes and prevent blockage, and to admit air directly to the ash pan to consume any char that falls through. Admitting air into the pipes serves to (1) preheat the primary air, and (2) cool the grate. Preheating the primary air helps ensure the full combustion of primary air (since hot oxygen is more reactive), and it helps to keep the reaction close to the grate for the same reason (hot char on grate plus hot primary air equals serious temperature). The wood fuel on top of the charcoal will be pyrolysed and any air the gets past the charcoal will be consumed in pyrolysis gas combustion to add more heat for the pyrolysis process... but the main point is that no free oxygen from primary air is going to get to the combustion chamber. The resulting wood gas then moves a short distance to the adjacent combustion chamber to mix with preheating secondary air for combustion (this secondary air is preheated by the walls of the combustion chamber before it moves down into the base to mix with the incoming hot wood gas).
Garry Hoddinott wrote:My need is a modest output energy system. My beef with solar is batteries. They are too short lived to be sustainable and just a bit toxic (am interested in capacitor banks).
My property (which I wish to share (grafton NSW Australia)) has ample wood supply - stored solar! What is the best way to convert that to electricity? Gassification seems do-able, but steam??? We don't hear too much about steam. Is it really just too hard?
I met a wonderful old guy in Australia who told me of his dad's very large hot air machine. Umm - his hand guestures indicated it was bedroom sized and used 2 chimneys as monster pistons, and used a very large flywheel. Seems like it turned a crankshaft and powered a stationary sawmill and ran on sawdust from the mill itself.
That sounds funky - any thoughts???
Marcos Buenijo wrote:R John, I'm interested to learn more about the operation you have going. Please provide any web resources that describe your operation including pictures. In particular, I'm curious to know how you are making use of such a large steam engine. Are these large steam engines your personal property? Are you involved in a business venture with this engine system and other systems (such as the Jenbacher you mentioned elsewhere)? Is the system generating electricity and revenue? Details please.
r john wrote:
Already described on previous thread just do a search for Bellis & Morcom.
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