I would love to stop in and see your stoves in action! Anyone else have a
rocket mass heater in Fairbanks/Delta area?
I want to build one in my
greenhouse. I have been collecting supplies. Haven't found my clay source yet...
I live in Delta but would be happy to chat or see what anyone is doing Fairbank's way when up there for Appointments or shopping...
750-8702 Julie
PS. I am also interested in making a earth bag sauna... with a RMH or just a woodstove to get hot fast, or maybe both!
I like to fry! and then chill. fry, chill, fry, chill LOL! I have barrels and am interested in the half barrel ideas but get lost in all that math!
Can anyone make it really simple?
Thanks All!!
The birds are coming back so spring is on it's way!