Note: tropical/sub tropical humid. Some plant names are in Portuguese cuz I don't know the English names.
Here is a bit of an update on how things are growing. We really need to get more species of crops. My wish list is pretty long but I think that there are a few key species that will be more profitable. So I'm just going to start listing off species from what I believe is most important to lesser importance. Okra,
yard long bean, winged bean, soy, Dioscorea alata, Surinam cherry(Pitanga), malabar spinage, Kang Kong, breadfruit, Barú, jatoba, araza.
The crops that I have growing currently are in relative order of importance taro, bananas, pigeon pea, oranges, jackfruit, sugarcane, pineapple, tamarillo, onions, tyme, sweet potatoes, lemongrass, lima, lime, mamey zapote, soursop, passion fruit, lowquat, cinnamon, nutmeg,
rose apple, peanuts, capsicum pubescence and some sickly chilies.
Some chilies do well but it's hard to figure which ones. Oranges is listed higher up because I have more of them and they are mature trees. Taro is listed as number one because that is where my family is getting most of our calories.