Leonard Barron : No! Depending on where on the toxic-gick scale you use for a
yard stick this is bad or very bad stuff ! For handling purposes lots of protection is needed.
If you get it on you by the time you have scrubbed it off your skin is chapped or even abraded, with no protective layer off surface oils, further contact at that point will
cause you to absorb Some of the materials mostly creosote actively through your skin !
Creosote is often used to coat
fence posts to be buried in the ground ,because it will extend the useful life of the post by retarding rot ! As such and in remote locations it
is probably one of the least dangerous group of chemicals compared to everything else used for that purpose ( My opinion )
True Terra preta di Indio, or Bio-char, was made by a low temp smoldering process that created a very porous open cell structure that looked a little like Marine coral !
Much of the
Wood Gas that was produced was redeposited back to this open cell structure and served as amendments and bio-nutrients for the many cultures of beneficial
fungi and bacteria!
Probably the best thing you could do with this material would be to bury it where these living Biota call slowly recycle it ! For the Good of the craft ! Big AL