Bobby Wynn : You are right to be very careful to marshal your thoughts a measure what you are seeing against what you already Know !
Try it this way, lets take a conventional Fossil oil Fired, Forced-air Furnace the combustion chamber is lined with ceramic type stiffened
Refractory Blanket material and the core temperatures during firing exceed 2000 degreesF !
Immediately above the Combustion chamber is the heat exchanger, this is subjected to wide (climbing)temperature extremes easily
seeing 700dF as the fan/limit switch turns on the forced air fan to cool down the Heat exchanger and incidentally provide heated air to
the rest of the house !
Depending on manufacturer the remarkably thin shelled heat exchanger is rated for 20, 25, even 30 years! A main requirement of the
heat exchangers make up is its need rot take the temperature swings and be a ductile steel that can be easily shaped to its function !
Though the 55gal barrel is considerably a much lighter metal than the 55 gallon drums made before/during WW 11 they are made of a
thicker gage of very similar Ductile steel, which perfectly matches the Barrels strength and ductility requirements when used as the
Rocket Mass
Heaters RMHs Heat Exchanger !
''Ask the man who owns one" While some rocket stoves dating back to the 70s do still exist and are used seasonally, THe reports of
Cold weather climate severe service is with out a report of a barrel failure at 25+ years !
My advice would be to prepare your installation both ways, so that you have a back-up plan just in case, however the barrel will hold
up to its duties easily, while the exposure to temperatures of 1000 with expansion and contraction will cause cracks in the
Cob that will
serve to keep your Cob and Clay slip skills sharp !
Actually sand is only a so so insulator, we like to make square Heat Risers of firebrick or round Heat risers out of a clay,builders sand
and Perlite and cover the outside of the Heat risers with
Rock wool or more refractory Ceramic batt materials to ensure that here is a
sharp heat difference between the inner wall of the Heat Riser and the outer wall of the heat riser !
As the Hot exhaust gases rising in the Core of the heat riser Slam into the Barrels top they lose heat energy that is radiated off of the
Barrel. These now much cooler and denser gases create the pull-me push-you magic that creates the 'Draft' that flows the hot exhaust
gases 50' horizontally through the thermal mass before exiting via the Final vertical chimney !
Cindy Mathieu is an expert on what is possible with a Clay Flue Tile, and she states that any temperature swing of 50degrees F occurring
in one hour is generally fatal to the integrity of the tile !
She is a Partner and spokesperson for the only manufacturer of several different DIY kits that save time and frustration by direct purchase
and installation of these superior kits Check them out at
Finally I can also highly recommend that you go to to Download Your PDF copy of the brand new 3rd addition of
Mass Heaters. This is "The Book', with it you can come here to talk with your fellow members and be sure that you are using the
same words to describe the Size(s), Shape(s) and orientation of the RMHs parts to themselves, each other and the whole!
Please, Get the Book, read the Book and come back often, it will be fun helping another Fellow Member to become a Rocketeer !
Big AL