Kim Hill wrote:I am currently looking for land to build an earth friendly house complete with a permaculture food forest. I bet the book would be very helpful in pointing me in the right direction in choosing land. Thanks Cassie for considering me! Kim
It is good to ask this question before you buy land. Most buy the land and then find that there are restrictions, zoning and/or other barriers to doing what they want to do on their land. Restrictions might be placed on the land by a previous owner. Restrictions could prevent you from doing something or even require you do do something. Zoning is similar, but is usually codified by county or
city laws. You might have to get permits before building or doing other things on your land. You might have to hire a professional to do certain work. These things are not impossible to deal with but are sometimes a pain and can be costly.
Easements also
should be looked at. All easements are not bad, but some could present problems. If there are utilities on the land, the utility companies most likely have some kind of easement to access or repair their equipment (phone or light poles - buried
water lines). If a neighbor has an easement to drive across your land or something, he may be a problem if you want to build a structure in a place that he has an easement to drive across.
I found land that had no zoning or restrictions. I recommend land without these things mainly because it is easier to do whatever I want. It is not always possible for everyone to get land without any zoning. Just check in advance that you can do with the land what you want to do, before you purchase.