Helene McElroy : Welcome to
Permies.com / Richsoil.com, and the Rocket And the
Wood Forum Threads. With 28,000+ fellow members you can come here 24/7
to talk to someone who wants to talk about what you want to talk about !
Some good news, Generally 20 ft of horizontal run thru a thermal mass is a good minimum distance. You have a potential to more than double the amount of heat you are
able to put in your G'house !
The final vertical exhaust
should be on the Lee or downwind side of the G'house, this is not always possible ! On paper I can prove that a final vertical chimney that
ends just under the peak of the Roof should have a positive Venturi effect supporting the final vertical chimneys draw !
Because your winds probably do not blow gently and steadily from one direction only, The Standard 'Builders
Answer' which I am recommending to you is to raise
the final vertical Chimney to a height 4' - 5' above the Peak of your roof and 10' feet away from any object bigger than a TV Antenna!
The metal trashcan will fail -and soon!
Please explain what you mean by the mass is
chicken wire wrapped exhaust !
The bags of sand will be slightly insulating and slow the travel of the heat energy you are trying to harvest, we can help here too !
please Consider Strongly going to
Rocketstoves.com to download a PDF Copy of the brand new 3rd edition of
Rocket Mss Heaters This will put the information in
your hand immediately and from there you will find where your Design wanders too far from other models (100,000 + ) that have worked, AND it will help
you when you talk with Your other Fellow Members here at
Permies .Com .
enough vertical stovepipe to rise over the peak of your roof and get the Book ! Both of these will help you a great deal !
For the good of the craft ! big AL