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barrier plantings

Posts: 4437
Location: North Central Michigan
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after reading Gaia's garden I have some questions about barrier plants for removing the alleopathic juglone from the soil before reaching plants on the other side of them..in Gaia's garden Toby mentions several barrier plants (some of which I have on order)..but I have this list ofplants that are supposed to grow well near walnuts and I was wondering if any of these plants would work welll as barrier plants also

the ones i ordered are Mulberry and goumi and plan to plant them between the walnuts and my apple tree guild, but would appreciate any suggestions from the list below of plants that you "experts" think might work as barrier plantings

Plants Observed Growing Under or Near Black Walnut*
Japanese Maples, Acer palmatum and its cultivars
Southern Catalpa, Catalpa bignonioides
Eastern Redbud, Cercis canadensis
Canadian Hemlock, Tsuga canadensis
Vines and Shrubs
Clematis 'Red Cardinal'
February Daphne, Daphne mezereum
Euonymus species
Weeping Forsythia, Forsythia suspensa
Rose of Sharon, Hibiscus syriacus
Tartarian Honeysuckle, Lonicera tatarica, and most other Lonicera species
Virginia Creeper, Parthenocissus quinquefolia
** Pinxterbloom, Rhododendron periclymenoides
**'Gibraltar' and 'Balzac', Rhododendron Exbury hybrids
Multiflora Rose, Rosa multiflora
Black Raspberry, Rubus occidentalis
Arborvitaes, Thuja species
** Koreanspice Viburnum, Viburnum carlesii, and most other Viburnum species
Pot-marigold, Calendula officinalis 'Nonstop'
Begonia, fibrous cultivars
Morning Glory, Ipomoea 'Heavenly Blue'
Pansy Viola
Zinnia species
Squashes, Melons, Beans, Carrots, Corn
Fruit Trees
Peach, Nectarine, Cherry, Plum
Prunus species Pear-Pyrus species
Herbaceous Perennials
Bugleweed, Ajuga reptans
Hollyhock, Alcea rosea
American Wood Anemone, Anemone quinquefolia
Jack-in-the-Pulpit, Arisaema triphyllum
European Wild Ginger, Asarum europaeum
Astilbe species
Bellflower, Campanula latifolia
**Chrysanthemum species (some)
Glory-of-the-Snow, Chionodoxa luciliae
Spring Beauty, Claytonia virginica
Crocus species
Dutchman's Breeches, Dicentra cucullaria
Leopard's-Bane, Doronicum species
Crested Wood Fern, Dryopteris cristata
Spanish Bluebell, Endymion hispanicus
Winter Aconite, Eranthis hyemalis
Snowdrop, Galanthus nivalis
Sweet Woodruff, Galium odoratum
Herb Robert, Geranium robertianum
Cranesbill, Geranium sanguineum
Grasses (most) Gramineae family
Jerusalem Artichoke, Helianthus tuberosus
Common Daylily, Hemerocallis 'Pluie de Feu'
Coral Bells, Heuchera x brizoides
Orange Hawkweed, Hieracium aurantiacum
Plantain-lily, Hosta fortunei 'Glauca'
Hosta lancifolia
Hosta marginata
Hosta undulata 'Variegata'
Common Hyacinth, Hyacinthus Orientalis 'City of Haarlem'
Virginia Waterleaf, Hydrophyllum virginianum
Siberian Iris, Iris sibirica
Balm, Monarda didyma
Wild Bergamot, M. fistulosa
Grape Hyacinth, Muscari botryoides
Sweet Cicely, Myrrhis odorata 'Yellow Cheerfulness,' 'Geranium,' 'Tete a Tete,' 'Sundial,' and 'February Gold'
Sundrops, Oenothera fruticosa
Senstitive Fern, Onoclea sensibilis
Cinnamon Fern, Osmunda cinnamomea
Peony, **Paeonia species (some)
Summer Phlox, Phlox paniculata
Mayapple, Podophyllum peltatum
Jacob's-Ladder, Polemonium reptans
Great Solomon's-Seal, Polygonatum commutatum
Polyanthus Primrose, Primula x polyantha
Lungwort, Pulmonaria species
Bloodroot, Sanguinaria canadensis
Siberian Squill, Scilla sibirica
Goldmoss Stonecrop, Sedum acre
Showy Sedum, Sedum spectabile
Lamb's-Ear, Stachys byzantina
Spiderwort, Tradescantia virginiana
Nodding Trillium, Trillium cernuum
White Wake-Robin, Trillium grandiflorum
Tulipa Darwin 'White Valcano' and 'Cum Laude,' Parrot 'Blue Parrot,' Greigii 'Toronto'
Big Merrybells, Uvularia grandiflora
Canada Violet, Viola canadensis
Horned Violet, Viola cornuta
Woolly Blue Violet, Viola sororia
*These are based upon observations and not from clinical tests.
**Cultivars of some species may do poorly.

Brenda Groth
Posts: 4437
Location: North Central Michigan
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Many of the above list are plants that I have available that I can either transplant seedlings from our woods, or take cuttings or divisions of out of our yard:

there are a lot of seedling maples in the area, and I need a windbreak so i'm thinking of using the Canadian Hemlock, which grows wild on our property, near the walnuts for a windbreak. We also have a lot of clematis including wild ones in our area, and i could put in cuttings of honeysuckle and rose of sharon and forsythia, virginia creeper, and black raspberry. There are pear trees about 35 feet from the baby Walnuts already, 3 dwarf ones, and i have a lot of jerusalem artichokes that could be spread into the area.

Other plants that I have that will be needing dividing on the list are: rose, ajuga, spiderwort, violet, siberian iris, daylillly,sundrops, cranesbill, hosta, jacobs ladder and ferns.

I also have 3 cherry trees and a lot of wild cherry trees in the 50 to 100' circle around the walnuts including 2 sour cherries, 1 Canadian scarlet cherry and several wild cherries.
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Brenda, you don't mention horseradish.  I believe it is good to plant around cherries so I have some in each cherry tree pot.  I hope it will act as a dog/horse deterrant as well. 
Brenda Groth
Posts: 4437
Location: North Central Michigan
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yeah i don't know if horseradish is bothered by the juglone or not..i have some but it is about 60 feet away from the walnut trees (which haven't leafed out this year, hope they aren't dead !!!)
Jennifer Smith
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Sorry Brenda, I missed the juglone and only saw barrier.  My mind is elsewhere.  Love to hear from you anywhere any time.  Your place Rocks.
Brenda Groth
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Location: North Central Michigan
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thanks Jenn, yes, I'm basically trying to figure out ways to remove the Juglone..right now i'm looking at wild plum guomi, mulberry and pear..i'm not sure if hazelnuts will be ok with the juglone or not as they weren't listed in either list..(good near or bad near walnut)

i have a barrier hedge right now of the hazelnut and wild plum between the walnuts and the apple guild..but not sure about the hazelnut..and i have 4 guomi and 3 mulberry ordered to put there as well..but as i said, when i checked my baby walnut trees this year..they don't look alive..they haven't gotten any leaves yet..but i remember they were really slow to leaf out last year..also one of my chestnuts appears dead..will wait for a while to see if it comes back, maybe farther down the trunk or from the roots
2 hardy pecans i planted last year appeared dead as they didn't have buds or leaves..but when i dug them up the roots were still alive..so i transplanted them..they may or may not make it..so i'm not about to dig up the walnuts until i'm sure sure sure they aren't alive !
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  My walnuts only had a leaf or two on them last week and i think that my place is  warmer a bit earlier than yours from your comments. Maybe walnuts are just late out this year.

How you enjoy thinking of all the plants that can be planted, your twin permaculturist must be Ken Fern with his long list of plants that help us humans be it for food or for our health.

Are barrier plants plants that create a barrier between the walnuts and other plants that coudl be adversly effected by the walnuts? I have no idea what barrier plants are. rose.
Brenda Groth
Posts: 4437
Location: North Central Michigan
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yes, barrier plants are plants that you can plant between your walnut guild and your fruit tree guild, to stop the juglone from going through the barrier into the fruit tree guild..

Those plants tend to suck up the juglone and keep it from going PAST the barrier. I read about that in Gaia's Garden. He made suggestions of using barriers to keep the fruit tree guild safe from the walnut guild.

my Walnuts did all leaf out and they are doing well..i put some mulberries and goumi as well as some wild plum, pear and hazelnuts between the fruit tree guild and the walnut guild..also have some open area closer to the walnuts that can be planted when the walnuts get a little larger..but right now i'm attempting to not overshade the baby walnuts

I'm not sure if it is going to work well as a barrier or not..but there is probably 40 feet between the closest walnuts to the apple guild northern most edges.

and the barrier plants run along an area 20 to 25 feet south of the walnut guild.

All of the plants are still very young 2 or less years old, the hazelnuts are really doing well now.  and several of the plants are only 2 " to 10 " tall....so they are babies..but my walnuts were seedlings last spring..so they are also very small..planning ahead
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