So here is my first build. In the testing phase....
Here are my average temperatures for the outside of the system reading after about a 3 hour burn. takes more like an hour to reach these if the system warm. They do stay constant during the main burn, but very soon after I am left with mostly and only burning embers the whole system cools down about 20%+ in lets say about 20 minutes. Unless I fill the
feed up again immediately. If I do not want to feed it I lets them burn out and then close my "damper" to the chimney I have fabricated. I feel I am loosing too much to my chimney.
My main concern is the orange rectangle on my picture. Where it seems like my inlet and outlets are "jumping" a bit. There is clear evidence that the bells are doing there jobs. I just figure my exhaust has to be as a high about 400ish in order to be keeping my exit to my chimney hotter than the rest of the system and except for above the riser top piece. So I wonder about my ISA? so this is what I did....
(14.75+14.75)x12x2 plus (15+13.5)x24x2 pluS (19+11.5)x36x2
plus 14.75x14.75 plus 15x13.5 plus 19x11.5
L x W x H [INCHES]
Riser Bell: 14.75 * 14.75 * 12 708+217
"Large" Bell 15 * 13.5 * 23 1344+202
"small" bell 19 * 11.5 * 36 2196+218
= 4885 square inches = 3.2 meters squared
These are numbers for taking my bell ISA calculation. This means that in order to see if my bells are not too big or small I measured the ISA above all inlets and outlets. So bear in mind there probably about another 1+ square meters of surface area possible. The reason I don't count the "falling" surface area at this point is because from what I understand "falling zones" mostly create draft because of gravity. And I will mention that my draft seems to be moving quite well. It sounds like a rocket!