I have kept pigs and
chickens in the same paddock with success, but each one had its own
shelter - the
chickens have a portable
chicken tractor and the pigs slept in a calf hutch (when they wanted to). But, when it came time to move them, I had to move each shelter separately. Being the lazy SOB that I am, I'm wondering if I can have one shelter for both - open to ground with deep
straw bedding, pigs sleep on the bottom with roosts above for the chickens? This would be true 'function stacking' with the shelter only needing to be a foot or 2 higher than the current ones are. I understood that
Sepp does this, but from what I saw the buildings looked rather large with only a few pigs and chickens in them (at least when I was there), and I am thinking a full house of chickens on perches at night. Has anyone had success with this?
- Will pigs get covered in chicken manure?
- As deep bedding accumulates chicken manure, will pigs refuse to sleep in it? (may be a function of how long they stay in one spot)
- It would be more difficult to secure the chickens at night, would the pigs keep predators - raccoon, foxes, etc away, just by their presence?
- I would lose the ability to have the chickens follow behind pigs, but I don't know if it is that critical.
- Good ventilation would be important
- Would pigs be annoyed if I kept a light on a few hours a night for the chickens?
I would appreciate some insight.