I did a quick search and was surprised to find that this
video hasn't been shared here yet. As mentioned in this forum, Dave Jacke (of
Edible Forest Garden fame) is working on what will probably be another classic book on agroforestry.
This video is a presentation he gave at
DAcres of New Hampshire. Thanks are likely due to Josh Trout and Dave Jacke and the DAcres crew for the video.
Dave covers (in varying degrees of depth):
different types of buds, and what we know about their role in coppicing/pollardingcoppicingpollardinghistorical and modern techniquesuses and products from coppice systemssilvopasture and pollarding -- **with interesting research about cool-season grasses increasing in productivity under light shade of coppice system**fodder crop details: esp. Morus alba (white mulberry) and Robinier pseudoacacia (black locust).the rejuvenating (anti-aging) effect coppicing has on treessome coppice compatible speciescoppice spacing considerationswhen to coppice for different types of yields/goals/productssome natural fencing options (to keep out deer and other animals) using coppice products or living fencing
Go Dave Go!
image courtesy of midwest
permaculture article