So I spent the last 45 minutes or so playing with this. Just shuffling fire-brick so far. I've got about 30 of them for this test
project and probably twice that total and another dozen or two red bricks. I started out by laying out 6 bricks flat long side to long side to longside to make a 8ish by 30ish? base. Built two little mostly symmetrical boxes at the ends. Left a place in the top near the riser end where I can slide out a brick and toss the primer almost directly under the riser. I lit it and then watched it and then shuffled some bricks around and watched again. I think the initial design was the best but that my burn tunnel (the horizontal) is too long between my
feed and exhaust. No bell just a chimney. I got it to do some cool little sideways flame tongue stuff for me but never really got it roaring until I changed the design up - but that change made for a more standard smokey fire. Anyway I'll keep playing and try to get some pictures.
Oh, the thing I like most about this so far is that even though it was windy it only took me one flic of the bic (tm) to start and then I played with it for almost an hour shuffling stuff around and feeding fuel in various ways (from the top, from the side) and I never needed to relight it, which leads me to think its a pretty robust design. Like I said, I'm playing now. On it.
So, Anyone got some rough ratio's for 30 bricks offhand?
I'll give another go in the next day or two. Try to get some pics of that clay too.