Steam is awesome, but comes with strings attached.
You seem to have a good grasp of the strings already, but I will list a few for those who don't know.
Steam engine/boiler systems require (pretty much) constant monitoring to prevent very bad things from happening.
The steam coming out of your tea kettle is almost nothing like live, pressurized saturated steam.
At real operating pressures, a gallon of live steam has about the same
energy content as a stick of dynamite.
Steam boiler explosions are typically far more energetic than say,
gasoline explosions.
If you do it really well, the steam system will have 1/3 of the efficiency of a decent internal combustion engine (offset somewhat if you can efficiently use the "waste" heat from the external combustion and the exhaust steam.)
Requires several skills the most people don't have, in terms of maintenance, running, adjustments, repairs.
Mike Brown is the go to guy for this size system. Of course, you can run them on anything that burns. And they are absolutely fascinating and are low tech
enough you could fix and repair them for decades with the right skill set.
The Green steam engines have received a lot of criticism from the hobby steam people. Here's one example.
And here, they go into some detail. The "plans" don't contain any drawings or dimensions or a very specific parts list...