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Corban Wells wrote:I'm prolly an idiot, but I can't get the coupon code to work on Amazon. I have an order of three bottles waiting as soon as coupon code works, or as soon as someone edjumacates me on how to type.
thomas rubino wrote:Carol peek: DE can be hard to find, but it is available at most farm & ranch stores ... its just that the majority of employees do not know what it is! I have been feeding my pigs 2% food grade DE for years. Would not raise hogs without it ! Healthy happy pigs and very little (compared to normal) piggy smell ! I buy my FG,DE in 50# sacks locally at the Big R store runs about 50 bucks a sack. Here is the thing ... only One employee knows they have this ! Every time they insist that its not there ... lol We use this DE for a myriad of things in and around the house & farm. My wife and I are both approaching 60 (oh no) and I attribute our good health to wild game , organic pasture pork ,chickens , our own gardens ,clean water and of course DE . I have not had the chance to try Justins DE with bentonite yet but I hope to do so in the very near future.
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Corban Wells wrote:I can happily report the discount code is working and I have 3 bottles of your Bentonite/DE coming to my front doorstep. I'm super excited . Never tried eating dirt on purpose before, at least not in the past 36 years. . I'll be happy to share any 'experiences' I notice after I begin using your product.
Cris Fellows wrote:Justin, I am really excited to learn about all the other things DE can do. Thus far, I have only used it with limited success for the ant hoards of 2014. I will be running a trial of my own, since I still have some left, alongside DE with CB. I have to do some reading up about internal use. I knew it was in foods to help deter pests...did not realize it was also beneficial. Do you have any direct anecdotes on how it has improved the health of your family? Thanks a bunch for the info and the coupon, Cris
Richard Huffmon wrote:My friend recommends Sevin powder for insect control. I prefer to avoid using poisons in my food garden, or anywhere else for that matter. Will Diatomaceous Earth provide the same level of protection from insects. Won't it kill the predators too?
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