At our old house we had a tree in our
yard that my wife loved. Most people around here call them umbrella
After some research I have determined them to actually be a mulberry tree. For the most part they have been cloned, grafted or bred to not produce fruit. So I spent hours scouring the google to find one that produces fruit. I did eventually find one at
Willis Orchard I ordered it and a few other trees for a fall delivery. Well my package came but it was missing my mulberry tree. It got rescheduled for a spring delivery, not ideal but it is what it is. Well a few months later I got an email from Willis Orchard that they would not be able to get the tree this spring. So can you guys help me find one? It would truly make my wife's day if I could get the tree for her.
Oh yeah and I have ran across this one:
but we are in zone 6.