sam singletree wrote:
Cassie Langstraat wrote:What exactly do you mean when you say "input box"
There was only the one place to enter any information, to accept the offer.
That was for an email address, only.
That location is at the top right side of the page.
That's the way it worked on my system too (w/FireFox) when signing up on 02/06/2015. And I quickly received "confirm your subscription" e-mail, and clicking on the confirmation link in that message brought up the confirmation web page. Then shortly thereafter the second / confirmation e-mail arrived with subject line "subscribed to paul wheaton's permaculture". I can confirm that contained in the body of that message is a plain text URL of the annex6
rocket mass heater plans. Copy and paste that URL to the web browser accessed the
rocket mass heater plans pdf file just fine.
OK, a shot in the dark. Maybe the confirmation e-mail is ending up in the junk mail folder on some folk's systems?