I'm wondering whether "the forgotten food forest" might be a good theme to become a series. This one could be "The Forgotten Oasis" and you could also do future books along the same lines, but in different climates.
I've seen forgotten farms in New England with stone-lined springs, rambling roses, grapes, apples and crab-apples, herbs etc. Chestnuts less present since the big blight, but we're working on that. A pre-present version could easily include chestnuts, hickory, a squirrel might figure in the initial wandering off the trail.
English hedgerows preserve a ton of diversity, centuries old, and are classic places for small children to explore.
A forgotten Inca garden again could have running springs that have been stone-channelled from a forgotten source, stone terraces, sub-alpine tropical crops like quinoa, maize, medicinals, grumpy llamas and an unforgettable moment with serpent, puma, condor.
Heck, the process of trying to discover these places could be an epic family trip, if you are up for taking the Kickstarter to that level.
p.s. If you don't want to make the trip, I will totally go in your place. and send back video and ready-to-use line