I would suggest a gravel substrate with open pavers (they go by various names, mostly trademark for the same concept). A picture is a better description:
Scrape off the top layer of soil (save it to back fill between brick openings.) Go down 4-6 inches. Vibrating packing tool to get sand as firm as possible. 2-4 inches of gravel. Pack tightly. Place the pavers in the pattern. Back fill with the top soil and plant a ground cover of your choice.
This material does not heat sink the way concrete and especially Asphalt will. Living in Florida you may find that a benefit. It distributes the weight of the vehicle better than asphalt. It allows
water to run down into the soil without creating run off issues. It allows for a more natural look with ground cover interspaced. I don't know Florida's construction market, but am betting it will be a lot cheaper than concrete and even asphalt.