Our garden consists of beds, mulched areas and non maintained
lawn. We're cutting the areas sometimes with a scythe, but it looks not at all like a lawn.
I am planning top have some areas in the garden with a neat short mown lawn, that is around the house (maybe two meters) in the entrance two meters wide too and maybe one or the other
are too. That means we need a lawnmower. I don't really like petrol mowers because they stink and need maintenance.
I think of either and electric one, but we would really need a long extension cord because our garden is big or a manual one, because the patches are quite small.
Like everything electric you buy these days, I reckon that the lawnmowers too are crappy and last for 5 years longest. How about a manual one are there decent models (available in Australia)?
How difficult is the maintenance of these (keeping the blades really sharp)?
I think I 'll have to borrow a petrol mower first to convert the more wild meadow in something short.