J.C. : This is truly an interesting topic, be sure to checkout the " similar topic " links at the very bottom of this page ! hidden within the question
you asked are several other questions specific to your location and build .
I just wanted to make sure that it was very clearly stated that the effectiveness of your insulation was related to thee amount of trapped air spaces,
simply increasing the amount of insulation packed within a specific space ( like a wall cavity ) Will have the effect of reducing the amount of trapped
air and end up retarding the R-value of your insulation rather than increasing it !
All of the tables related to insulation values assume a specific density and depth of insulation, These charts ALLWAYS assume maximum proficiency
in installing insulation without the presence of any gaps or voids in the insulation package, ether due to errors in installation, or the gradual settling
of the insulating materials, related to this is The over-packing of insulating materials within cavities, which is one of the principle causes of 'Bridging' !
While most home owners are aware of these potential pit-falls, many have learned about these specific problems through direct
experience ! Include
me amongst those STILL learning the pitfalls of home (heated space ) construction, most of these problems are nonexistent when using a knowledgeable
building contractor, the caveat is in building a relationship with the builder to make sure that he/she is as dedicated to delivering a quality product for the
time/ effort and money extended !
For the good of the craft ! Big AL