Nance Smith : Location, Location, Location !!!
1st we have to know something about your locality, and weather patterns to help you.
2nd, Especially if you are in the humid Pacific North West, or the North East, some one from Arizona may not help much ! With out location information
many of your fellow members will be reluctant to respond fearing giving pore or wrong information
3nd, We can always blame your parents, in this case regional expectations determine the when and where of watering, someone from Arizona
can quickly find themselves over-watering during periods of high moisture content in the air !
You are right to be concerned most experts report Dry Rot starting with an air moisture content near 20 %, Molds and Wet Rot starting with air moisture
content near 30%
Besides merely over watering, if you have a dirt floor in your green house you can expect that this is a major factor, here is one place where starting
greenhouse construction with a base of crushed rook and vapor barriers can reduce the transpiration due to a high
water table !
Often your air handling equipment can add to the problem, as moist warm air meets the cooler metal /plastic parts of your air handling equipment
that excess moisture will collect on those surfaces and unless drip pans plumbed to the outdoors are included at these condensation points your best
efforts go astray !
Plant leaves and dirt and some Fungi and Algae growths can also plug the drains of the condensation pans a small diameter fairly stiff wire threaded into
the tubings opening can be jiggled every so often, this usually works to keep your drains open !
Trust your efforts, but verify ! Air and soil instruments that actually measure moisture content will save you hours of fussy watering, remembering that
a hanging basket in full sunlight will need more water than a near neighbor sitting in its shadow !
Hope this helps a little Big AL
From another post I see that you are in the eastern region, there is a lot of seasonal variation, and as the Old Farmers say " Climate is what you expect''
''Weather is what you GET ! "
The link below may help
For the Crafts ! Big AL