R Scott : Agreed, the software and access to it is important hence my creative commons comment !
I am definitely missing something here- an amp meter certainly can tell us what the steady-state resistance to flow is, And its changes are detectable-
power, detection, signaling, switching- and the need for this tech has been identified, with off the shelf units using Mini-volts micro-watts
The hardest part of selling
solar power is getting past the % of available power that is Actually delivered at each step traveling downstream!
And the only
answer I have to the potential
solar power customer is to admit the losses and tell him/her that we will just overbuild the system to
allow for sufficient power delivery - Especially when the potential customer has unrealistic expectations !
Compare this to a final 5.00 % efficiency of the ICE / Automobile when measured against delivering a 150 lb person to the store for a loaf of bread.
The Comparison is realistic, but With the Auto this horrible inefficiency is blindly accepted,!
There is an old expression about credulity - Swallowing an Elephant , straining at a gnat !
While I Do not expect the 30% claimed for E-car charging, I expect the rapid deployment of this technology wrinkle- if only to give the Solar
Salesman 1 more arrow in his quiver !
For the Good of the crafts Big AL