It is a neat idea that has brought attention to the bee community. As well as attracted a large number of new bee keepers to the arena that was in decay. Only time will tell as to if the flow hive itself is a good thing or not. I feel that just bringing in new folks was a great thing. Most folk's reviews are mixed and only litterally opinion based. Very rare are those who have even seen/touched one. More rare are those who have used it.
The first Flow Frames are just now arriving to the homes of the Early Supporters of the kickstarter campaign for the FLOW. I am one such supporter. Just got my Flow Light (3 frame) package the other day. I made my donation before they reached $10,000. Little did I know they would surpass $10,000,000.
I was planning on just supporting something that might make a positive change in the world... while simultainiusly getting a neat
gift for my brother for Christmas this year. He was very interested in keeping
bees. Turns out he ended up already starting a hive this Spring... and may have more than one by now. He is using a Warre' style.
I will attempt to take pics of what I have this weekend to share the pics. Seems very well constructed as far as I can tell. The frames are much more offset than I thought they would be. The bees will have to add a lot of wax to be able to fill them with honety. Which, with the large gaps, is likely something that will keep the fames functioning properly without gumming up in the long term. What I thought was just rubber bands or rope holding the frames together is actually a thin stainless steel cable that
should last a VERY long time... and be VERY strong.