So, this year I am planting some cover crops mixes in the veggie garden. I have 5 raised beds....4' x 50'. I recently planted a mix of field
pea and oats to over winter. However the germination is not so great. I am confident that I got them in deep
enough, however I have no mulch over them because I was worried that would hinder germination. Although, now I think that no mulch is almost worse because the sun dries the soil out so bad that nothing is going to germinate unless I'm out there every single night watering the whole garden.(I have
drip irrigation but that obviously is no good without mulch). So, any ideas about what mulch and how much I might be able to get away with with out hindering germination? I have the following mulches available:
wood chips(fresh and composted), grass clipping from the
lawn(fresh and several weeks/months decomposed), and organic wheat