Phillip Baldwin : If your mockup consists of dry stacking bricks you May have a problem ! You can create a
bucket of clay slurry about like good Pancake batter
And dip your dry brick into
water for about 3-5 seconds and then into your clay slurry this will nicely seal up all the air gaps but the bricks
should come back apart
by rapping one against the next one !
You have not said what you are using for insulation around your stack Which I am
assuming is what you are calling your
Heat Riser
You will want a minimum of 2'' between the very top of that stack/heat riser, and a very generous amount of space where the cooling and vertically falling exhaust
gases turn at right angles to flow horizontally into your thermal mass, this area and the barrel should be well sealed with a " T" and cap for a clean out at that location!
As soon as the barrel goes over the top of the Heat Riser a vertical chimney should be raised ! This should prove that you have successfully constructed your Rocket
Burner so that when you have both the Rocket and its thermal mass mated together if you have any problems then you know the problem has to be in the thermal
mass .
Hope this is timely and helps ! Pictures are always a help if you can manage ! For the good of the craft . Big AL
Late note this should help ! A.L.