- - - - What Glenn Said, for other future Rocketeers how find their way here - Because neither Iron or Steel can last when exposed to the temperatures
of a well built and efficient
Rocket Mass Heater RMH, The Actual Combustion area must be made of Hi-Temp firebrick !
This is a trade-off as the wear now occurs to the fire brick rather than Metal Fatigue and blistering caused by '' High Temperature Hydrogen Attack ".
And by the time you reline with firebrick the inside of most wood stoves and Furnaces you limit the amount of wood that can be burned at one time !
Add in the different burning characteristics that can literally Choke-off the combustion zones air passageways with coals ,embers, and
ash and you
further reduce both the amount of wood that can be burned, and the ability to create the high temperatures that produce a clean burn !
For the good of the Cause ! Big AL