We often like to light candles around our home. Sometimes to burn of funky smells like the bin, or that hangover whiff of dinner cooking, and other times just for comfort when we're having a cosy night in with some movies.
However, my wife has heard that some candles give off toxic ick into the air when burned which we are then breathing in. This is not cool. Can any of you good people help me identify some ick free candles and ones to avoid?
The best ones that I know of, are made from oil palm. It is the world's most productive oil crop and not something that has to be chopped down every year.
Palm. That's good to know, thanks Dale. I'll keep an eye out for some of those.
From my limited research I have determined that paraffin wax is the big baddie of the candle world. In my local stores I've seen some candles made from Soy Wax and Beeswax, are they any better?
Tim, I'm in Australia & would only ever consider lighting up Queen B candles. Soy & paraffin & palm oil & candles with fragrance are all no go zones for non toxic living.( details at www.queenb.com.au) Beeswax is a natural ioniser; it burns longer, looks better. Paraffin is petrochemical, soy is GM & chemically treated, palm farming destroys natural habitat. Fragranced candles combust the oils which gives off toxins. Use a beeswax tea light candle & an oil burner for fragrance. You might be able to find local beeswax candles or make them to avoid the ick. Happy light-ness.
As if that wasn't enough, a dog then peed on the tiny ad.
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